Untitled Part 44

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Ross: Alright you go pack then.

Max: see you at home Ross

Raina: Max, I'll help you pack.

Ross: See you!

Max: see you lets go

*They go to the house*

Raina: I'm going to miss you...

Max: ill be back soon hopefully with Jessie

Raina: When?

Max:as soon as i can

Raina: I love you....

Max: i love you too

Raina: *gets out a suitcase*

Max: *grabs closes and puts them in* hey um this is Jessie's first time on a plane since then

Raina: Yeah?

Max: i wonder if shes scared

Raina: Knowing her, I'm sure she is. I'm scared...

Max: well lets get finished packing cause i need to see her before she calls Scott plus isn't Nina going with her

Raina: Yes, and why would she call Scott?

Max: she screamed she was better off with Scott before she got in her car

Raina: You don't think she actually meant it

Max: he didn't cheat on her so maybe

Raina: Scott's a freaking jerk though. Let's get you to the airport, where the heck is Ross????

Max:i don't know but lets call Nina

Raina: Right. *Calls Nina*

Nina: Hey, whats up?

Max* takes the phone*r you with Jessie

Nina: Yes....Why?

Max: good is she on the plane yet

Nina: No we have to wait for like 3hours...

Max: okay i need you to keep her from calling Scott she might actually do it

Nina: Alright, and what are you planning on? Cuz I'm totally in if it means making her stay in Washington?

Max: we need her to go for a while so we can make it more special

Nina: Uhhhh so whats happening?

Max: were getting Ross to apologize to her and make her happy

Nina: Ugh. So you want her to stay?

Max: we need her to have fun in Tennessee for a few days so she can be super happy

Nina: Sounds good. I am guessing you'll be coming as well? Tomorrow night or today? I'd give her a day and fly out tomorrow, cuz y'know it'd alittle suspicious.

Max: were going tomorrow

Nina: Alright text me when you are at the airport k?

Max:k i will

Nina: Okay, bye!

Max: bye

Nina: *hangs up*

Max: *toss phone to Raina*

Raina: Thanks, You are leaving tomorrow?

Max:yep so lets eat and "sleep"

Raina: Alright.

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