cutting, ice cream, lord of the rings, and more cutting

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Max: god you need to stop no matter what im not letting you do this cause it will also hurt jessie

Ross: Alright, I'll stop... just let go of my arm, Max.

Max: fine * lets go* but i am telling Jessie

Ross: Don't she'll just worry about me.

Max: i know but she needs to know cause it also shows how much you cared

Ross: Alright... well you guys should just enjoy the afternoon, I still need to pack for Tennessee.

Max: you haven't packed yet

Ross: No! Don't judge me, Max!

Max: fine Raina can we go get ice cream

Raina: Sure.

Max: yay i want chocolate lets go

Raina: *Smiles* Let's go.

Max: *leaves*

(to Ross and Adam)

Ross: They are definitely the cutest couple I've ever seen.

Adam: no i know who is tho

Ross: Who?

Adam: you and Jessie

Ross: Not quite like Max and Raina though.

Adam : no you and Jessie were more in love than max and Raina there perfect for each other but not as cute

Ross: You think?

Adam: i know i also know you should call Jessie

Ross: Don't tell her where coming though, just say Ross misses her

Adam: *pulls out phone * do you love her

Ross: Yes, more than anything

Adam: *calls her*hey Jessie i need you to listen now more than ever Ross has something he needs to tell you

Ross: .... Wait do I say it?

Adam:*hands him the phone * tell her you love her

Ross: Jessie? I love you...

Jessie: i cant trust you ever again Ross and you know that. you haven't proved that so i just cant

Ross: I just wanted to let you know that I loved you so there, *gives phone to Adam*

Adam: Jessie you know he loves you and we all miss you bye* hangs up* Ross you need to have her back don't you

Ross: yeah, more than anything.. *Puts hand up to his injured arm*

Adam: dude i already know you cut just pull up the sleeve

Ross: I know it just hurts..*grits his teeth* 

Adam: i know how you feel

Ross: You do?

Adam: yeah i did it when i was a kid i lost way more blood than you think tho

Ross: ouch!!! that really must if hurt!!

Adam: it really did

Ross: Why did you cut yourself?

Adam: Jessie got really hurt when we were kids so i needed to relive stress

Ross: Wow, that's such good big brother-ing??

Adam: it my fault she could of died

Ross: How old were you?

Adam: i was 12 she was 10

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