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I mean this has to be one of the first things you think about- the name. That name will be written in your book hundreds of times and will be a name that hopefully (fingers crossed) will be one that people remember and talk to their friends about.

But guys, can we just address something. Why is their no unique and original names on Wattpad? And why is it that when people try to make cool, creative names you just end up with ones like Cobigo or Zad?

There are so many underrated cool names out there that not many people use (not at least in the books that I read)

Just look up some baby names that aren't commonly used and you'll find a ton that you can name your characters! I'm not going to suggest any because I'll find out later that they're actually really common names that are used and I'll be embarrassed.

Note: if you're thinking about using names that are one letter (e.g. J or L) I would think of a reason as to why your character only has a one letter name and that reason can't be because you were too lazy to think of one.

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