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The way your character responds other people is crucial in making your character stand out in a reader's mind. If your character is particularly witty, or sarcastic or even just moody, your character immediately becomes interesting. Nobody likes characters that speak like:



"What's up?"

Your character's personality gets to shine through in these dialogues.

A way to write interesting dialogue for your characters is to properly plan your character's personality before you start writing and what kind if things they would say.

Let's say you have a particularly sarcastic character. A waste of dialogue for this character is:

"What's up?" The cheery girl standing beside me said.

"Nothing much," I grumbled.

But by using dialogue to show the character's personality, you could write:

"What's up?" The cheery girl standing beside me said.

"The sky, you know that big blue thing above us," I rolled my eyes at her before walking away, tired already of stupid people.

N.B if your writing in 3rd person, using dialogue is a way for the reader to see what they really think. It shows personality and independent thoughts from the characters.

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