make them human (unless they aren't human)

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This chapter only really applies to characters that are human and not some extraterrestrial being!

So when I say make characters human, I don't mean emotions or feelings etc. I mean make them human. Humans need to eat. Humans go to the toilet. Humans (female) have periods. Humans (male) get boners.

Writers tend to iron out these human necessities because they just don't seem important to the plot but I like it when I see that the character is just like me.

These 'human actions (?!)' are especially forgotten in action packed stories or horror stories. If someone is kidnapped and placed in a cell, them going to the toilet is actually quite interesting. You can bring in themes of humiliation and generally go deeper into your characters.

Eating is important in showing character through food they like/eat. Everyone has a favourite food and I always find that you can learn a lot about a person through that. My favourite food is salt and vinegar Pringles so you can tell that I'm a snacker, probably someone that spends a lot of their time inside and maybe not the slimmest of people.

If someone tells me their favourite food is a REALLY spicy curry I can guess that they are probably quite badass and not scared of much.

Kale- health conscious probably, someone who exercises. (Can I just stress how much I hate Kale?!)

Some stories incorporate things like going to the bathroom really well into their plot by creating humour etc. Periods can be used for humour as well, I mean just imagine a strong, confident female character laying in bed crying and eating ice cream while watching Titanic.

I mean I don't know a lot about the male species but I'm pretty confident that they go to the bathroom, have surprise boners and do a whole host of gross stuff just like girls do.

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