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I was getting movies and red wine ready for me and my girl to have a "ladies night" since it's been a while since we've last kicked it when a someone knocked at my door.

Cautiously I walked quietly to my front door looking through the peep hole. I saw a somewhat short light skinned girl with full lips. Swinging the door open there she stood in front of me. Getting a better look at her she was young around my age(22). I also noticed her hazel eyes, I'd be lying if I said she wasn't pretty.

"Hi, I'm Precille your new neighbor. I live down the hall!" She said with a welcoming smile.

"Hello nice to meet you, now how may I help you?" I asked confused as to why she was at my door.

This type of building you don't make friends in. People are always secluded. In and out just a simple hello was all that was ever said, nothing more nothing less. We go about our business and keep it moving honey!

"Um I didn't mean to snoop but I heard your music playing and I really needed help with one of my bags that's on the elevator. It's kind of heavy and as you can see... I'm in no condition to lift anything heavy." She said looking down at herself.

Following her gaze I looked down as well only then noticing the the size of her stomach.

"Oh, Ok that's fine my apologies I didn't notice chile. Just let me slip on my shoes I'll be right back." I said closing my door and locking it.

Pregnant or not she was a stranger and I was not about to leave my door open to a STRANGER. I slipped on my pink Nike slides only to hear my phone ring, it was Alexis.

"Hello Darling!"

"I've been waiting on the elevator for ten minutes is it broken?" She wined in my ear.

I went back to the door seeing the pregnant girl still awaiting me.

"No the elevator is not broken my new neighbor was holding it up with her luggage. If I'm not working chile I'm working but, you should be alright now I'm sending it back down to you as we speak." I said pressing the letter G button o. The elevator.

I grabbed the bag and carried it on my back.

"Sweets I'll see you when you make it up k? This bag is heavy girl" I said ending the call.

"Which apartment honey?"

"Oh it's apartment 12" she smiled.

We walked five doors down making it to her apartment I dropped the bag right over her threshold moving it to the side.

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