●Çhapter 20●

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Waking up from my slumber i squinted as the sunlight pierced my eyes. Reaching over on the nightstand i grabbed the alarm clock looking at the time. "Oh gosh I've slept my morning away" i grunted as i sat up. Looking over to my left I expected to see Daniel but instead there was an empty spot.

Climbing out of the bed i slid into my fenty slides and slipped on my robe as i made my way to the bathroom. Brushing my teeth and washing my face I ran the shower waiting for it to get nice and steamy before getting in. I wrapped my hair in a scarf so that the steam from the shower wouldn't change my hair to it's natural curl. After washing my body I got out slipping on one of my many lingerie sets and putting my robe back on.

The place was a little too quiet for me. Usually I'd hear or see Daniel withing 5 minutes after waking up. Grabbing my phone i made my way to the kitchen looking around not seeing him there or the living room. My phone rang all of a sudden, looking down i saw that it was Danny.

"Well good morning to you too" i said answering.

I heard him lightly chuckle on the other end causing my lips to form a smirk. "Good morning Lex, you miss me?" He asked

"I mean kind of since i couldn't see your face when I woke up or whatever!" 

"I miss you too Peek"

"Danny where are you? " I aked getting off the miss me subject.

"I'm actually downstairs in front waiting for you so get dressed and be down in 30, I love you."

"Where are we going? Do I dress casual, dress down how am I to be ready in 30 when I don't know where we are going?"

"Dress like Alexis, see you in 30 love ya!" He said before hanging up. Scrunching my face up I walked back to the room pulling out something to wear.

Hearing a text come through my phone it was danny again

Hearing a text come through my phone it was danny again

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Tossing my phone on the bed I decided to go with a regular look clean natural makeup straight hair with a pink 2 piece top and tube skirt or whatever

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Tossing my phone on the bed I decided to go with a regular look clean natural makeup straight hair with a pink 2 piece top and tube skirt or whatever. Walking out of the buliding I spotted Daniel sitting in the back seat of the truck with the door opened just looking at me. To say he was looking mighty fine would be an understatement 😍 baby was bangin! Lol

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