●Çhapter 19●

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After about a thirty five minute drive i had finally made it to the hospital.

"May i help you?" Asked the lady that sat behind the dest of the ER.

"Yes I'm looking to see which room is Precilla in?" I asked eagerly.

"And what is Precillas last name?" She asked.


"Sorry sir but we have no one here by that last name!" She peeked at me through her thick bifocals.

"Are you sure? She called and said she was here!" I began to get frustrated as i dialed her number.

"Yea I'm at the hospital they won't let me back, they say your name isn't in the system." I stressed to Pebbs as i paced back and foward.


I stood and watched as the lady answered the phone.

"Yes I'll let him back right now" she said looking at me.

"Sir you can go to room 205 Ms.Frasier is in that room. Take the elevator to the second floor as soon as you step off go to you right and she should be 4 rooms down i think"

"Ms.Frasier? " i asked confused as i took the hall pass before walking off.

After getting off the elevator i found Pebbs room. Lightly knocking as i ket myself in there she was in bed with the smallest gift to God in her arms. Looking over at me she slightly smiled.

"Hey MooMoo!" She said sounding tired.

"Sup Pebbs, look my bad for being late and missinh everything the drive was far."

"Don't worry bout it, come and meet Journey" she said looking down at the sleeping baby.

walking over to her bed i looked at her clipboard.and sure enough her last name was not what she told me. I was with this girl for 8 months and she lied about her last name the whole time.

I wonder what else has she lied about

I looked down at the baby girl wrapped up and sleeping as Pebbs held her. I didn't want to assume anything so i kept my mouth shut but i knew right then and there that I indeed was not the father of this beautiful baby girl. The fact that Pebbs know that I'm not and just think I'm going to fall into her trapping me is beyond amazing.

"Is her last name Frasier too? Ms.Frasier." i asked cutting my eyes at Pebbs.

She looked at me with surprised eyes.

"MooMoo, i was just-" " Save the lies Pebbs! And you know like i know that I'm not the father of this baby, don't get me wrong she's a beautiful baby but come on Pebbs! She doesn't even look like you! She's already darkening and last time i checked me and you both are no where near dark."

"Moo-" "I gotta get hometo my girl man, i left home just for you to try and lie to me in my face about a child being mine when you know damn well that she isn't! " I semi yelled.

"Baby i came as soon as i hear-" a medium built dark-skinned guy said as he rushed through the door.

"There you go Pebbs, the father of your child has arrived!" I said before leaving out.

I rushed to my car trying to make it home before Lex noticed i was gone. I was praying that she'd still be asleep when i made it in...

Walking into my apartment, the lights were still off. I let out a sigh of relief because that let me know that Lex was still asleep. Taking off my things I walked back over to the living room ready to finally rest, thats until the lamp turned on and there was Lex with a glass of wine in her in her hand as she stared me down.

My Photographer (Pt.2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz