What's going on?

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It was the weekend I normally would sleep until 1, but my mom kept yelling my name. I got up and put on a shirt since I only sleep in my bra and panties, I walked downstairs she told me some was at the door I wonder who it could be. Once I opened the door I was ............

OMG WHAT IS HE DOING HERE? It was quiet for a minute I was completely shocked and embarrassed because I'm sure he can see my underwear. I pulled down my shirt in the front.

"Um.. I know this kind of weird that I came over without texting/ calling you I just thought that you would want to watch a movie with me and eat some junk food.. It's alright if you don't want to." He said nervously.

"Um.. since your already over here why not come in." I said while opening the door and back up so he wouldn't see my booty.

"I got to go put on some clothes real quick." I said running toward the stairs.

I face my mom a smirk because she could have told me who was at the door. While I was standing at the door I knew Chris was looking at me sexually because his eyes was roaming on my body I didn't mind it though. I got into the shower real quick and flat iron my hair I put on some shorts that had a wink face on my booty and the shirt to go with it. I was about to walk out until Chris came upstairs into my room, he tackled me onto the bed and started kissing me and playing with my boobs a moan escaped my mouth. Then he got up and slapped my ass and walked over to the door.

" As much as I want to fuck you right now, but I can't because your mom downstairs and change babe." He said walking out my room.

What the fuck up with him he just told me to change the hell! I put on some sweat pants that say Pink and the tank top that goes with it. I walked downstairs Chris was sitting on the couch talking to my mom until she got, I went to kitchen to get some water.

"He a sweet guy Emily." My mom tells me.

"I know mom."

"You should date him."

"No mom we're just friends"

" Just friends Ayee? well do you kiss all your guy friends the way you did yesterday?" She says.

"What you talking about? you spying now?" I asked curiously.

"No I just happened to see y'all yesterday while water the plants, but I better be going I'm going over to Erika I will be stating for two days have fun."

"Okay mom" I say while giving her a hug.

"Oh Chris you may stay if you want to protect my daughter and Emily here."

She hands we $50 and whispers there's condoms in my room just in case, my face turned beat red how did she know? Well ain't she something after she left Chris order some pizza with wings. Once that came we popped in the movie and sat on the couch, I snuggled up next to him while watching the movie. We decided to go with Hang Over 3 I smashed three pieces of pizza and two wings I was full, and I didn't even get to the candy yet.

Once the movie was over I thought me and Chris can have some play time (; so I hopped on top of him and kissed his neck, but he pulled back I was instantly shocked. I just got up and put up the leftover food and junk on the counter and went upstairs, after 5 minutes passed by he came into my room and climbed on the bed and we got to talking.

"What's wrong Emily"


"Yes it is I can tell so tell me or ima tickle you."

"Well you have been pushing me away when I wanted to have sex like I sent different type of messages."

"Look babes I don't wanna have sex I want to ...... "


What he wants to do? It going to be hard to update so be patient.


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