Girls Day Out

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I woke up tired as ever I made my way to my bathroom and shower brushes my teeth and washed my face. I did my hair and put on some clothes I decided to go with some some dark blue high waist short and white sandals with my shirt that say sexy. I walked into the kitchen to make me some breakfast, but nothing was in there to eat ughh that's the thing about this place they aint never got breakfast food. My cousin Maric walked into the kitchen with a smiliar outfit I had on I looked at her confused it was like she watched me get dressed.

"Hey Emily."

"Hey Maric, Um.. Did you watch me get dressed?"

"Girl no I guess we both was in for the same thing today."

"Yeah, But what you going to do today?"

"Nothing I wanna go out tonight."

"Sounds like a plan, wanna go get something to eat?"

"Yeah let me go get my stuff."

We pulled up to Denny's I always loved this place they had different type of breakfast food and that was the good thing when we go inside this man showed us to our table and we sat down, he took the orders for our drink and what we wanted to eat. My phone had ranged I looked at it and it was a text from Erin.


Good Morning Beautiful I had fun yesterday ;)

Erin was so sweet to me I smiled at the text and repleyed back to him, there's something about Erin that you wouldnt be able to resist. Me and Maric talked and ate our food and payed for the stuff we had and then went to the mall to pick out a matching outfit that was going to look cute on us, We picked out a black dress that went mid thigh and some black spike pumps. Once we was finished shopping we went to go get our nails and toes done I was going to do our hair before we get dressed tonight. When we got home Erin popped out of no where once we was about to head into the house, He grabbed me and asked can he speak to me I gave my bags to Maric who was smiling until I gave her I will tell you later eye.

"I Missed you Emily. How your day going?"

"It's going good and I missed you to Erin." I Said hugging him.

Everything seems to pause for a minute until we both leaned in and our lips met and we kissed I felt his hand go down to my ass and he squeezed on it, his touch was different from Chris touch. I grinded on him wanting him badly I just needed a little bit of him so he pulled me closer making me feel his hard penis and I moaned into our kiss, he broke our kiss and went to kissing my neck he took off my clothes and then started stripping hisself I found it quiet funny. When he was fully naked he came and picked me up and then lifted me into the air placing me on the wall and my legs wrapped around his neck, he started to lick my cookie and slap my ass I played in his hair while he kept eating me out I was loving it and the he stuck one of his finger inside me and pumped real fast I screamed and moaned pulling his hair he kept pumping and when I cummed he put me down on the floor. We walked over to the couch and he layed down I got on top and bounced up and down on him and he thrust into me making me bounce higher and higher he gripped my hips tightly making it red and leaving his fingerprints, but I didnt care i walked him to keep thrusting in me I felt his balls clench and when that happens that means he moments away from cumming so I shaked my small booty on him and moved up and down while he thrusted into me and then we both cummed. I got up and lick everything off him and then he opened my leg and licked my juices. 

I needed that badly especially after yesterday sex, We layed down for 20 more minutes when I realized I had to get ready for me and Maric girls night out tonight. I got up and got dressed and told him bye I walked over to the house and walked in and headed for the shower, Maric was already taking her's because I heard the shower when i walked passed her room. I washed my hair and washed my body good. I thought about how shower sex would feel if Erin was here, but I pushed back the thought before I got horny again and grabbed my towel and got out.

"Maric!" I screamed her name.


"Come into my room."

She came in my room with a robe on and a towel wrapped around her head. She went and sat in the chair while I did her hair I told her everything that happened and she laughed and smiled that's why I love this girl. I did her makeup simple and natural not going over board, she went and got dressed after I got done and I have to say she looked amazing her boobs looked right in the dressed and her butt looked a little bit bigger. I went and got dressed since I was done with my hair and makeup I stepped out feeling good we both looked great but she pulled it off better.

We pulled up to this house it was a two story house it was so beautiful from the outside but once we stepped inside it was so fucking huge and pretty. I followed behind Maric until some dude grabbed my waist and hugging on me once I turned around I knew who it was it was Erin I kissed him on this lips and he told me how I looked pretty in my outfit he looked different but handsome still. We danced some and then went to a room because we was a little sleepy we cuddled and passed out on the what im guessing is the guest bedroom. I woke up to someone shaking me I wipped my eyes and found Maric with some dude saying she going back home I told her okay I was going to ride with Erin and spend the night at his place since I had to help him with his project. I woke Erin up I guess I will drive home. Once we got inside his house we both fall back to sleep I wake up wit a little small hang over so I made some coffee and eggs with pancakes and bacon, I went to wake Erin up and gave him his food and shower I didnt have not clothes so I put on a big shirt of his and went and got my plate and ate. He jumped into the shower he was in there for a while but I guess he like his shower I washed the dishes and sat on his bed and watched tv. We was going to do some-----

Cliff Hanger .. I Will Try and Update tomorrow It been hard since My phone wont charge but votee.

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