Chapter 19

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Kendra pushed off her hood as she walked across the metal surface of Mustafar. She looked up towards the higher level, seeing a female figure; standing and watching her.

She Force jumped onto the next level, and dropped her cloak to the ground. "I should have known about your secret the day you arrived to Coruscant."
"And you were too stupid to realize Secura trained you." She said, not looking at her former Master.

"You won't get away with this."
When Valerie turned around, Kendra swallowed as the familiar, yellow Sith eyes came into view. It was as if it were their own demon, staring into the face of an angel.

"Like how your sister soon got away from the pain you caused her." She said, her teeth gritted and nostrils flaring. "And you killed my best friends."
"I will never forgive myself for killing her." Kendra yelled. "But she was too seduced to the power of the dark side, like you have been."

Valerie didn't say anything as she continued to stare.
"Let me help you, Valerie." She shouted. "You can come to Coruscant with me, and I can train you to use the light side."

Valerie's facial expression turned, and Kendra had slight hope. Valerie looked down, and stepped forward.
Kendra did the same, and she reached out for the girls hand. Valerie smiled, and did the unexpected.

The bright red beam swung towards Kendra's hand, and it disappeared. She let out a scream as she held her arm to her chest, quickly using her lightsaber in her only hand to block the next hit.

Kendra fought as much as she could as they moved across the platform, onto the higher levels. Her arm ached in pain as she fought back, sweat covering her skin.

Valerie huffed as Kendra kicked her away, and she skidded across the surface. She landed back on her feet, charging towards Kendra.

Memories flooded Kendra's mind of when she had fought Anakin on the same exact spot. The pain it caused her came back as she did the same with her Padawan.

She flipped through the air and landed on the other side of the Sith. Their lightsabers collided with hisses and screeches as they fought, streaks of light flashing.

The heat of the lava below the two began to affect Kendra as she swung her hair away from her neck, still trying to add pressure to her arm. Her breathing was heavy as she fought back weakly.

As she stumbled over her feet, she blocked one last hit before Valerie knocked her off of her feet at the end of the platform, her lightsaber rolling over the edge. She lay there as she stared at the Sith.

"I have failed you." Kendra said, the dryness in her throat beginning to ache. "I have failed you."
"This is the end for you, my Master."
Kendra took a deep breath as she waited for the strike, symbolizing her death.

I love you, Anakin.

As she swung her lightsaber, Kendra's eyes squeezed shut, only to open them when something hit her lightsaber.

The familiar blue beam caused her to smile, and she watched as Anakin studied the worried grand daughter of Darth Sidious.

"This is the end for you, Valerie."

As they swung at each other, each of them blocked hits as they moved swiftly across the platforms. Obi-Wan ducked down to Kendra, examining her arm.
"You are in need of a MedBay." He said to her, trying to get her to the ship.

She shook her head as she forced herself to stand. "No."

Taking Obi-Wan's lightsaber, she ran across the platform, leaping towards the dueling two.
She landed between them, and she swung towards Valerie's legs.

Valerie screamed aloud as her body fell to the ground, her hands flat against the surface. Kendra kicked the red lightsaber over the edge, looking down at her.

"This is the end for you, my Padawan." She said.

Valerie's eyes widened one last time as Kendra swung the lightsaber across her neck, the Sith's head doused into the lava beneath them. She turned around to face Anakin, who's hair was stuck to his forehead from sweat.

He stepped forward, pressing his lips to hers. Her hand caressed his cheek, and he looked down at her arm.
"You need to go to the MedBay." He told her.
She smiled. "I know."

As he wrapped his arm around her, they followed Obi-Wan towards the ship, and it flew back to Coruscant.

There are so many Obikin feels in this writing Kendra and Valerie's duel *cries*
The ending is near my friends :-))

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