chapter 3

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I have never written such a long chapter before. Y'all should thank me. Anyways, this chapter contains smut and very detailed one (as detailed as I can get since I'm awkward at this). This is the last warning for smut since in the beginning I did warn that this would be a mature book. Picture of Roman on top!

Song - Hold Me Down - Halsey


Neil lit another cigarette at the back of the 2015 Range Rover he and his brother were riding in. Caleb looked down from the email he was typing on his iPad in time to see his brother take a drag before roughly pulling it from his mouth.

"Hey!" Neil protested.

Caleb ignored him, opened the car window and tossed it on the road.

Neil gasped "That is rude as hell Caleb."

Caleb just sat back still ignoring his younger brother. Neil muttered a few curses before fishing out an entire pack of Marlboro cigarettes from his back pocket. His brother didn't even wait for him to pick another one from the pack before throwing the entire thing out of the window.

Neil looked at his brother in awe "You just threw twenty bucks out the window. And that was my hard earned money."

"That's what you get for not listening to me whenever I tell you that there's no smoking in the car. I'm not going to get my organs destroyed because you can control your disgusting little habit." Caleb said going back to his typing.

"Rude." Neil muttered again not even feeling as angry as he expected to be. He'd chalked his brother's moodiness to an argument he might have had with Ama before they left the house. Those two might have been the modern and more realistic version of a Disney prince and princess, but when they fought it was legendary. Mostly because Ama's stubborn and fierce nature came out then and more times than often she'd lock him out of their bedroom or sometimes even the apartment they stayed at most times, while spouting curses at Caleb in Nigerian.

It was quite amusing to watch.

Several times he caught Caleb going through a translator app to try and understand what the hell his fiancée had called him each time. Mumu, which meant idiot, was one that got repeated several times.

"If you were going to act like a fucking prude today then why did you invite me?" Neil asked playing with his fingers to ignore the slight twitch in them caused by his longing for a cigarette. Winston from the front seat gave him a little look from the review mirror as though he knew exactly what was happening with him.

"Just because I don't let you smoke your death stick in the car doesn't mean that I'm a prude." Caleb said turning off his iPad since he was finished with his work. "It just means that I'm going to outlive you and your charred lungs."

"Why does everyone keep going at my lungs?" Neil said dramatically raising his hands in the air. Caleb rolled his eyes. Winston smiled a little. He eyed his brother carefully before nodding to himself "I think I know your problem now."

"Really?" His brother replied uninterestedly now going through his phone.

"Ama refused to suck you didn't she? I mean she was in a pretty bad mood when I saw her before we left which meant that the only contact she'd have with your penis is to cut it off if you came too close." He narrowly missed being hit by Caleb's phone. Winston coughed a little. Neil tried to supress his laughter while seeing his brother's fuming face.

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