chapter 5

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Song - Castle - Halsey

       Picture of Neil! *heart eyes* 


If there was one thing Bobby O' Connor hated, it was tardiness.

His father had instilled the conviction in him at a young age that any man who was late, didn't deserve to eat because all the grub would be taken by all the men wise enough to come early. If you don't want to end up fighting for scraps with three legged dogs then by all means show up earlier.

The second thing he hated was when people gave excuses for being late.

"Oh there was traffic." "Oh my car didn't start." "Oh someone died and I couldn't make it in time." Excuses were enough to put a bullet in a man's head. To Bobby, it was one thing to mess up. The real crime was when you gave excuse for fucking up. If you've fucked up, then admit that you've fucked up. The pro was that it was now cemented into his reputation that when dealing with the O'Connor's, the dumbest thing you can do is to turn up late.

However, his second son loved to disregard that particular rule on occasion.

Neil was late more times than he could count and so his father had decided to remain silent after years of shouts and threats. It never got to the boy at all. In fact for a while he had sworn that he did it deliberately just to annoy is Bobby. Their current situation was further proof of that fact.

It was Sunday and brunch was served. His wife, eldest son Caleb, Ama who was Caleb's fiancée, Winston who was his second-in-command and two other trusted lieutenants were already present and seated.

"Winston, please check to see if my son is out of bed." He asked deliberately clasping his hands together. If he didn't he was sure to rip something apart. His wife placed her hand on his knowingly.

"Of course sir." Winston had said almost running off the find Neil. The Asian just hoped that whatever was keeping Neil was important enough. He already knew that Neil wasn't asleep – he hadn't even slept home in the first place.

The deal with the Zyuganov's had gone through around 2 am which meant he had to deal with a cranky Caleb who had gotten about ten missed calls from a distressed Ama who to have already gotten over their fight. It was old news that Alik Zyuganov had a habit of dragging topics and negotiations simply because he was a sick son of a bitch with no regard for time.

Winston, despite his tired and aching bones due to standing for hours in alert, was looking forward to spending some alone time with Neil after it all but had been perturbed when he checked his phone to see a text sent about two hours before stating that Neil wasn't coming home and getting his own ride home.

He wasn't an idiot. He knew it was because Neil was planning on going home with somebody. Whether it was a guy or girl was unclear. Despite the fact that they'd been fucking for a while now Winston never really asked Neil what his preferences were, knowing the boy probably wouldn't even answer him or give an annoyingly vague answer. He already labelled himself as bi, but with Neil that was just another big red question mark to store with the rest.

He walked out of the dining room and into the foyer and saw Neil already going up the stairs wearing the clothes he had been wearing the previous night which meant that he'd just gotten home.

"Neil." He said causing the boy to look back.

He answered in a bored tone "What?"

"It's almost time for brunch." He replied which caused the younger boy to grimace. Neil had forgotten about the weekly brunch his family had every Sunday. As though he didn't have enough to despise about his family, his father now forced them to sit down with each other in the name of sharing a meal. His lateness must have been driving the old man batty which made him cheer on the inside.

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