Chapter 13

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Have you guys checked out my new story In Plain Sight? It's a mystery/thriller sort of thing and I'm pretty sure you'll love it.

Onto the chapter.


"Promise me that you'll be careful," Ama said softly. She was draped in a pink dressing gown that almost made her look angel-like. It was Caleb's favorite. He placed his arm around her dainty waist and kissed her forehead. Her worry endeared him. Hopelessly.

Caleb kissed his fiancée's forehead "It's nothing that I haven't done a million times."

"Your arrogance will be your undoing," She said clutching the lapels of suit jacket. She had no problem telling Caleb the truth. It was one of her many weaknesses when it came to him.

Caleb grinned "It's also the very thing you love about my dear."

Ama huffed but didn't deny it. She her hand moved upwards from the lapels and rested on his shoulder "If you want me to love you more, then you'll promise me." Her eyes bore into his, waiting until he finally relented.

"Ok," Caleb said with more reluctance than actual sincerity "I promise." Ama pressed her lips together choosing not to call him out on it. She'd take what she could get. At least she was sure that Caleb would try his best not to break any promise he made to her.

She gave a sounding kiss on his lips "Good."

Caleb patted her arm and walked away leaving her standing in the middle of their bedroom. Ama stood there, unmoving for minutes until she was startled by a presence knocking on the door which had been left ajar when her fiancé walked out.

"Can I come in?" Neil asked.

She sighed going to sit on the bed "Of course. Don't mind me; I'm just being uselessly sentimental for some reason."

Neil made a noise of agreement "I understand. Does he know about it?"

Ama tensed up but immediately reverted back to her calm state "Does he know what?"

Neil sat next to her on the queen sized bed. His expression softened faintly due to the nature of what he was about to say "Does he know that you're pregnant?" this time it was much harder to conceal her shock. Ama hadn't told anyone at all. She hadn't even been to the doctor yet.

"How did you know?" She enquired very curious.

"You've been eating way too carefully these past few days. No coffee during breakfast. No wine during dinner. Not to mention the fact that you've been clinging to my oaf of a brother more than usual. This morning I noticed a small plastic stick resembling a pregnancy test being thrown out with the rest of the trash. You're the only woman of fertile age living in this house. Claudia and the rest of the house staff are all old enough to be our grandmothers," He explained.

Ama couldn't help but smile at his deductions "Alright my little Sherlock, that was good by my standards," her smile faltered "I'm not sure though. I took two tests but only one was positive. I haven't gotten the chance to go to the hospital yet."

"You don't want Caleb to find out," Neil said knowingly.

She slowly shook her head "I'm not sure if I want to find out myself."

Neil silently placed his hands on both knees and turned away his gaze from her. He braced himself. "Do you guys...not want, well, kids?"

Sometimes it was truly unbelievable about how standoffish the youngest O'Connor seemed. As though the thought of talking about anything remotely emotionally physically pained him. If Ama wasn't drowned in solemn thoughts herself, she would have been having the time of her life watching him squirm.

"Not really something we talked about. Not even something that I really thought about much." The last bit was a fib. She'd thought about it several times but not voluntarily.

The first time was when she was eleven. Ama had told her father with such otherworldly innocence, that children were a distraction and being a housewife was a waste of her life. He barely let her finish before hitting her face with the back of his hand and pronouncing her a witch. He told her to never say such things again.

It took a few years for her to come to terms with her father's mindset. She understood. Thankfully for her, her father seemed to have forgotten her words when she told him that she wanted to go to university in the States. John Madueke only agreed because he thought that giving his daughter a fancy degree would make her appear more pleasing to suitors. Not because he believed she deserved or would actually make good use of it.

The only times Ama had thought of children was when she was convincing herself that she didn't need them. That she would succumb to the label her father had issued on her since she was born.

However, her mindset altered a little after crossing paths with Caleb. For once she was with a man who considered her more of an equal and less of a trophy. He was fascinated by her intelligence and not intimidated by it. He gave her ideas weight. He adored her from top to bottom. The thought of having a child with him didn't sound like a daunting death sentence.

It might actually be....nice.

"It's still just me speculating. I'll know for sure if I go and see a doctor," She said holding a pillow on her lap.

Neil nodded "You should. I'll go with you if you want."

Ama smiled gratefully "That would mean the world to me."

Neil gave her an empty smile in return. If only he could truly tell him what was on his mind. "Not like I'm busy or anything. Caleb went to check out that guy who says he's got it out for the Figorerri's."

"Ah," Ama made a revelatory face "The one who saved you a few nights ago?"

Neil couldn't help it when the image of the man's face forced itself back into his head. Laced with determination and something else he couldn't read properly. It perturbed him. Not being able to read him properly, that is.

He'd never had a problem reading people.

But this Jack person – he didn't make it easy for him. That raised all sorts of red flags in Neil's subconscious.

"I don't trust him and I've told Caleb this a thousand times," Neil regaled to her.

Ama shrugged "I don't need to tell you. We both know how he is. Why don't you trust him? Caleb says he seems like a man with a vendetta. He plans to use that to his advantage."

Neil stared forward unblinking. Vendetta. Of course. He knew that far too well. The need to reconcile pain with pain, hurt with hurt doubled by a hundred fold. In the past he managed to suppress it easily. Give himself reasons and excuses to let it go. Numb the pain with other devices. But recently it had begun clawing itself from the depths of his mind. Begging to be released. Acknowledged.

Neil stood up abruptly from the bed. Ama watched him in confusion "Anything wrong?"

"Nothing," he kissed her forehead "Just remembered that I have an errand to run."

She relaxed confident with his reply "Ok. You'll follow me to the hospital on Thursday?"

"I won't miss it for anything."

Ama gave him one more smile before Neil set off on his way. He went back to his room to carry his car keys but on second thought dropped it. It was a delicate matter. He didn't want anyone to easily link him to where he was going.

Neil went downstairs and walked out of the house. He counted ten blocks away before hailing a taxi.

"Where to?" The stocky but seemingly cheerful driver asked.

"Metropolitan Correctional Center, Chicago."

So he's going to prison. Wow.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2016 ⏰

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