Chapter 9

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"What the fuck do you mean?" Neil asked in a harsh voice holding the gun to Roman's temple. "How did you know who I was?"

Roman coughed again "Everyone knows who you are. They say you're the black sheep of the O'Connors. I want to join you because I know you can help me."

"What makes you think I want to help you or anyone?" Neil asked.

"Because I have something useful to you." Roman replied. Neil lowered his gun but didn't put it away "What?"

Roman looked at his car with the half shattered windshield and winced "Information. I have lots of information useful to you. I'm not stupid; I don't believe in favors and neither do you so I'm trading one thing for another. I want to avenge my father's death and I can work for you with the information I have."

Neil scowled "Who was your father?"

"He was a lieutenant for the Figorerri family." Roman replied. "They suspected him of being a dirty cop and killed him but he was innocent. They killed him."

"His name." Neil demanded.

"Rick Langston. I'm his son Jack Turner." Roman said with his heart pounding inside his chest.

"Look, if you're looking for revenge, forget it. I'm not going to let you implicate my family in some scheme of yours. They killed your father; boo hoo he knew what he was getting into. You should fuck off in the opposite direction while you're still unknown to anyone." the younger boy said bluntly.

"I've looked the other way my whole life. I finally have a lead and I need to find a way to find justice for my father." Roman tried to convince.

"Go to the police." Neil answered stuffing the gun into his trousers.

"They won't help and frankly they're almost as bad as you guys." The older man answered. Neil gave him a hard look walking closer towards him. Roman found himself gripping a loose piece of his broken car in case but hoping that he wouldn't have to use it.

It wouldn't help his case if he attacked Neil, even in self-defense.

"Is that why you met up with me at the club?" He asked in a lower voice and Roman felt slightly flushed. He sighed "If I recall correctly, you approached me."

"Well did you plant yourself there? Was a rather vague story you gave about being new in town stranger. I think I'd like to hear the full story before I put a bullet in your head." Neil questioned.

Roman took a deep breath "Look, when I went there I honestly didn't know who you were. It was after you left that I heard some word on the street and some guys from the club told me who you were when I went back the next day. That's when I realized that we could help each other. I'm from Michigan and only came into town two weeks ago. I've been planning this for my whole life."

"What you're asking is risky. You want to join my family's organization just to avenge a death but it doesn't seem worth it to me. If you succeed, your involvement with us would be starting an unnecessary war." Neil said. "You have a real sweet sob story but I'm not falling for it. Take this as your first and only lesson, the next time I see you there won't be any questions asked just your dead body dumped on the floor."

With that he left the injured man leaning alone in the alley.


"Fucking lucky is what you are." Mickey commented as he watched the private doctor attend to his injuries. Going to a hospital would warrant too many questions and it meant that Roman would have to use his real name which would be difficult since he was officially pronounced dead since he was 12.

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