chapter 7

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Neil hated law firms.

The reason was a little funny, seeing as he lived on the bad side of the law while they mostly lived on whatever side of the law they chose, depending on whoever they were defending. Still, the sight of men in overly priced suits talking about depositions and subpoenas sent an irritating shiver down his spin.

Quite ironic that his current appointment took place in a law firm where he looked out of place in his black hoodie and combat boots. Ama would have noted it as a deliberate attempt to stand out. His skin itched with the urge to leave but his task was quite important.

Winston had been avoiding him for a while now and he planned to solve that little problem later.

He walked towards the office that said Miles Rollins (Senior Partner) and smiled at the secretary who sat in front of the office. "Hello, I would like to see Mr. Rollins."

"Do you have an appointment?" She asked dutifully.

Neil shifted the envelope he held under his left arm to his right "No. But it's in everyone's best interest that I am let in."

She contorted her face in confusion "I'm sorry sir but you can't go in."

He gave his ever charming smile "Watch me." Then went past her desk. He ignored her chants of "Sir." And carelessly let himself into the office of a very confused looking man with the secretary right behind him.

"Who are you?" He asked with a cell phone held mid-air.

Neil threw the file he held on the desk "Please tell your secretary that if she doesn't want to ruin her life and yours, then she should kindly leave us alone to discuss. And she shouldn't bother calling the police or trying to listen in on our conversation because I will know and make this even harder for you."

Miles was dumbstruck. He didn't know who this young man was or what he wanted but it seemed safer to give into his demands for the moment because there was no telling whatever he had under his sleeves. He wasn't a man who jumped into action quickly; he would give the young man a chance and then alert security himself if anything occurred.

He stiffly nodded towards his secretary "Sarah. Please leave us."

Sarah looked terrified but obeyed her boss even if she didn't understand what the hell was going on. She hoped that whatever that young man brought with him was a fib.

Neil sat on one of the overly plush chairs facing the man's desk after she left. "She's a looker. It's a wonder that you haven't hit that. Oh wait, you have haven't you?"

Miles had a tense look "I don't know who the hell you think you are but if you think that you can come into my office and threaten me then-"

"Miles. Please take a look inside." Neil said cutting him off before it got boring. The lawyer eyed him contemptuously but opened the sealed envelope nevertheless. He pulled out the first thing his hands reached and felt his heart stop for a second at what he saw.

It was a picture. Miles removed the rest and saw that it was several pictures of him in compromising positions.

"Tell me, which do you think your wife will be more pissed at? The fact that you're fucking your secretary –" Neil made sure he was loud enough if the woman was actually listening in "- or maybe she'll divorce you over the fact that you like to fuck little boys too. And I mean very little boys."

He picked up a particularly explicit picture "Isn't he like 17? I wonder how that will go with a jury."

"I don't know who the hell you are but you don't want to make an enemy out of me." Miles threatened feeling his entire body go hot.

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