A/N Tagged

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Hey guys! So, I was tagged by Caseygreen509 for a tag challenge...yay me.


1. You have to post the rules.
2. You have to tag 13 people.
3. You can tag back.
4. You have to post 13 interesting facts about yourself.
5. You have to answer 13 questions the person that tagged you asked.
6. "I don't like tag challenges" is not an acceptable response to being tagged.
7. You must explain your answers for your questions.
8. If you've already done the challenge, you WILL NOT have to do it again. Just tag the person (in the tag challenge you already did) who tagged you and explain this person also tagged you. Re-doing the tag challenge will not be requested but will be appreciated.

Ok, now on to 13 facts about me!

1.) Depending on which zodiac chart you look at, I can either be a Leo or a Cancer as my B-Day is right on the cusp(BTW my B-Day is July 23rd). I honestly think both describe me.

2.) I have never said a swear word. EVER. It drives my friends nuts when I say "What the huh?" or "Holy fudge!". It's kinda fun actually. :)

3.) I told my friends about my crush on Jin at Wendy's and they drive me nuts because it my first crush. To quote my one friend "Awww, you're growing up!". -_-

4.) I was born premature and not breathing. Yep, both me and my mom almost died when I was born. Let's just say I was put on breathing monitors and I used to breathe so shallow the monitors thought I wasn't breathing.

5.) I was a horrible child. I rolled off my 2 foot high porch, got my head stuck in those metals bars that keep people in line at amusement parks, baby-powered my grandmother's room, drew on our white walls and doors with Halloween make-up and Sharpies, etc. 

6.) I am getting a my first B on my report card ever soon...in English. "To Kill a Mockingbird", more like"To Kill My Grade".

7.) My Wattpad name(and name for everything for that matter) comes from the fact that I love owls and also from the "Warriors" series. I strongly suggest reading it. That's also why I call you my little kits!

8.) My favorite singer is called Meatloaf. He is ROSSOME! He sings stuff like "Anything for Love" and "Objects in the Rear View Mirror". He actually was having a concert by us, but it was at a casino so I can't go. My mom put this on the Facebook fanpage and HE ACTUALLY REPLIED. He said to tell him which concert and he would let me come as his special guest! YES! Unfortunately, the concert's sold out, so we're looking for a different one, but the offer is still on the table!

9.) I started reading Harry Potter in second grade. One day I told  my mom I was bored, so she handed me "HP and the Sorcerer's Stone". Enough said about what it led up to.

10.) I had MC a few years ago, but stopped playing because I had no idea what I was doing. I HATE not knowing what to do or how to do stuff. When my sis showed me MC YT, I got back into it as I ACTUALLY KNEW HOW TO NOT BE A NOOB. Now it's one of my fav games!

11.) Both me and my sister sometimes talk in a British accent. It mostly happens to my sister, but I do it too. We'll just be talking to our family or friends and suddenly we'll say something and people will just stare at us. One day I was in Biology class and I said "Ok" in a British accent. The whole class just stopped everything and looked, even the teacher. They then proceeded to talk in British's accents the rest  of class.

12.) I am both a Star Wars fan and Star Trek fan. I just can't choose! One has a more fantasy appeal and the other is pure sci-fi! I just can't choose between them!

13.) I suck at sports. There's my sister, who runs, plays flag football, and loves to be athletic, and then there's me, who when asked if I participate in sports answers "Does Marching Band count?".  That is my only exercise. I like to ride my bike, don't get me wrong, but I practically need a new helmet every other month.

There we go! 13 facts about me! Now for the questions!

1.) Favorite school subject?
Mine would have to be a tie between math and engineering. I like things with EXACT MEASUREMENTS.

2.) Least favorite school subject?
English. See fact number 6.

3.) Favorite fandom?
How am I supposed to choose! That is an IMPASTABLE question!

4.) What fictional book/movie death were you the most sad about?
Hedwig's. Definitely. I almost cried when she died! (I don't cry at a lot of stuff)

5.) Your earliest memory?
To be honest my memory sucks and I can't even BEGIN to organize what my earliest one is. I can't even remember what I had for dinner yesterday.

6.) Favorite book/movie villain?
I find all villains to be horrible and rather stupid, but if I had to pick one, it would be  Hans from "Frozen". He actually was smart enough to almost pull it off!

7.) Least favorite book to movie adaptation?
Hunger Games. I did not like how it was displayed on screen.

8.) Favorite movie?
HP and the Sorcerer's Stone

9.) Favorite book?
See answer to number 8.

10.) Any siblings?
One, annoying sister named Bella (xXShadowWillowXx).

11.) Favorite Wattpad fanfiction?
Anything by either Dat_AnimeFanatic or NinjaNekoAru is so ROSSOME!

12.) Favorite Holiday?
Halloween. I love dressing up! Plus, free candy!

13.) Indoors or outdoors?
Indoors anyday. Anytime I go outside it's either A.) Cold and I slip and fall, or B.) Hot and I get eaten alive by mosquitoes.

Alright, now here are my questions for the people I tag!

1.) Age?
2.) Biggest Youtuber crush?
3.) What Hogwart's house are you?
4.) Butter, Muffin, Thundermuffin, Raging, or Goat?
5.) Slap a deaf kid or squirt lemon juice in your eyes?
6.) Fav book?
7.) Fav movie?
8.) Fav TV show?
9.) Best memory?
10.) Why did you get a Wattpad account?
11.) Who inspired you to write stories?
12.) When did you first start watching Youtube and what was the first video?
13.) Who was the first Youtuber you ever watched?

Now for my favorite part,  tagging people!

I tag:

There ya go! Enjoy this tag people! And thanks again to Caseygreen509 for tagging me in the first place!

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