A/N Pink Fluffy Unicorns

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So I have been tagged by 3 people recently(sry to those of you who have tagged me in the past and I have not done the tag as I do the same thing as with texts as in I look at it, say I'll do it later, then forget about it). One of which is babypups032. Here we go!

1. What's your favorite MyStreet ship?
Zanemau(IDC Aarmau happened!)

2. Who is your best friend irl?
Katie(MyKndleIsHotterThnMe), Shy(Shayla13peppermint), Wendy(WendyCampbell991), Michelle(Starlight-Mimi), and of course my sis Bella(xXShadowWillowXx)

3.Do  you have any siblings?
Yep. One sister.

4. What grade are you in?

5. What's your favorite color?

6. Do you love Wattpad?
Why is this even a question? OF COURSE I DO!

7. Do you have a crush?

8. Do you have a Youtube channel?
Yep. Owlfeather Gaming which currently only has a 40 minute vid on it.

9. Do you have any pets?
Yep. Four dogs and three cats.

10. Are you a loner?
Depends on the day.

Next tag is from both xXShadowK1ttyXx and DinoTheCat.


1. It is necessary to post all rules.

2. I have to say 13 things about myself.

3. I can't refuse.

4. I shall complete this in 1 week, or given a punishment by tagger.

5. Post will be made in any oil made by means not in the comments.

6. I shall tag 15 others to do this.

7. I have to come up with a creative name for this chapter.

Ok, so onto the facts!

1. I know Dino did this but I don't even know what rule 5 means.

2. I was 2nd chair flute in 5th grade, 1st in 6th grade, 3rd in 7th, 1st in 8th, and 3rd now. I have also been in multiple district and honors bands along with a youth orchestra.

3. I got a Wattpad as a way to read Garmau fanfics, and now have almost no Garmau books in my library.

4. My parents still don't know I have a Wattpad or Youtube channel.

5. The other day I explained a long Geometry problem with  two long equations in it in about 5 minutes without breathing. I like math...and science.

6. I HATE english.

7. I actually screamed when I saw Garroth  was back...but nearly cried when Aaron died.

8. I think of random ideas for stories and then forget about them before I can write them A LOT.

9. My first actual novel was HP and the Sorcerer's Stone.

10. I prefer Marvel over DC.

11. I prefer Pepsi over Coco-Cola.

12. I'm confused as to why my books get so many reads. They aren't good. They are literally just me being a goofball on a writing website. I can't even write. Just...WHY?

13. My Youtube senpai is Jinbop

14. I have never watched an anime unless Pokemon or Digimon count.

15. I ran out of semi interesting things about me!

Ok, and to do these two tags, I tag:


Those are who I tag, so do the 2nd one in a week, or punishment time! XD

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