Beauty and the beast

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I lead him into the kitchen and go to grab some supplies. I quickly make way to the bathroom, grab what I need,  and begin walking back to the kitchen with my first aid supply kit in one hand. The wound isn't fully healed, so I don't think it would be a bad idea to stitch it again. Luckily I have some extra suture kits on me. One of the benefits of working in the hospital is having a good supply of medical equipment, most of the equipment being put in my pockets during my shift only to be forgotten about later.

    I have to admit, it is weird having this man in my house. I used to spend my time thinking about him, but I never thought that he would be here in my house. It leaves me with an unsettling feeling.

    When I reach the kitchen, I see Asher is kneeling on the floor playing with Charlie. I smile, Josh doesn't mind Charlie, but he isn't a big fan of dogs. I don't think I've ever seen him play with Charlie. I walk further into the kitchen and Asher immediately looks up at me. Damn. He really is beautiful. My mouth goes dry. I am surprised by how much I enjoy seeing him in my kitchen. He gives me a questioning look, obviously witnessing my incoherent moment.

"Stand up and take your shirt off."  I clear my throat and instruct him as I set my supplies down.

"Yes, ma'am. Don't have to tell me twice." I ignore his response as I attempt to use this moment to recollect my thoughts. He stands up and slowly takes his shirt off, his eyes never leaving mine. When his shirt is finally off, he throws it on the counter next to him. I am about to scold him for putting his bloody shirt on my counter but I am instead silenced as I look at him. Oh my god. My mouth goes dry once again and I'm pretty sure it is hanging open. I don't have the outdoors or the hospital as a distraction this time and his perfection hits me. Hard. His muscles are toned and defined. And not to mention he has the V that makes girls, especially me, stupid.

Amusement dances across his face as he notes my reaction. Despite embarrassment overcoming me as I stand there blatantly looking at him, I can't move. I just want to stay here and continue staring at him, because let's be honest, it's a great view. A knowing smile grows across his face, exposing a perfect smile with perfectly white teeth. Arrogant asshole. I step towards him so I am directly in front of him. He is towering over me, his scent invading my senses and overwhelming me from the closeness. My hands are shaking as I bring them to his skin. As soon as I touch him, it feels like what can only be described as a spark is shared between us. It feels like fireworks started in my fingertips and radiated up my arm to the rest of my body. I've never felt this before. Ever. And it scares the shit out of me. What is this? I look up and met his eyes. His burning gaze telling me that he feels this too.

I quickly look down, heat filling my cheeks. Focus Carson. I go through my medical kit, thankful I kept these supplies. Usually I forget them in my scrub pockets and they come home with me after my shift. Today these supplies come in handy. I grab some saline and some gauze and clean the open wound, my hands continuing to shake the entire time. I grab the sutures and begin closing the wound. He doesn't flinch as I pierce his skin with the needle and thread the suture through, repeating the process and tying them together. I am praying he doesn't notice my shaky hands, if he does he doesn't say anything . It's not that I don't know what I'm doing, it's the fact that I am touching him.

"There. All done." I say after I complete closing the last suture, straightening myself up. I start cleaning up immediately, doing my best to avoid his gaze as I busy myself. "Normally sutures aren't kept in this long, but yours need to be kept in longer due to the extent of your injuries. Those should be removed in about 10 days but otherwise your are set. Just avoid strenuous activity, even though I doubt you will listen. But you can continue with your plans for the day. I'm done" I am subtly trying to give him the hint to go. But he just continues to stand there. Apparently subtlety isn't my specialty. What is a nice way to tell him to go away?

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