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    The next few weeks fly by. Before I know it, the end of April is here. I keep myself busy with school and work, but always find myself thinking about Asher. We see each other several times a week, but it is never enough. Whenever he isn't around I find myself missing him.

    I am just finishing bringing in the groceries from the store when a familiar Mustang pulls into my driveway. I can not contain the smile that spreads across my face. "Couldn't stay away, could you?" Asher quickly makes his way over to me and lowers his head, planting a slow and sensual kiss on my lips. I start getting slightly light headed by the time he pulls away. Remember to breathe Carson. He follows me up my driveway and into my house.

    We make dinner together, constantly touching and bumping into each other. We eat dinner comfortably together, conversation flowing through the entire meal. Dinner is soon over and I am loading the dishes into the dishwasher when Asher appears with a dog leash in his hand. Charlie immediately runs over and starts jumping on Asher, almost taking him to the ground. "Thought we could take a walk together, bringing Charlie with us." I hurry up finishing the dishes and follow Asher outside, stopping to lock the front door.

The evening is beautiful. It is warm with a slight breeze. We walk hand in hand for the whole walk. We take our time, not rushing ourselves and stopping every so often to enjoy our walk and each other. We are turned around heading back towards my house when the sky begins turning dark, looking ominous. We are about ten minutes from my house when I feel something wet land on my cheek. I look up towards the sky to see grey clouds hovering above us .

I am about to suggest we make a run for it, but it's too late. All of the sudden the sky opens, causing a downpour of cold raindrops. I shriek at the sudden coldness hitting my face. Right as I am about to take off running towards my house, Asher lifts me up and throws me over his shoulder. I let out an "uummph" as my abdomen hits his hard, muscular shoulder. He grabs Charlie's leash out of my hand and starts running towards my house. I close my eyes, afraid of slipping and landing on the cement. I open them briefly after a couple minutes to find that we were about three houses away from my house.

The relief of being close to home is short lived as Asher's foot slides, sending us into a heap of mud. I can feel the cold, slimy mud surround me and soak into my clothes. I can't help myself. Laughter tears through me. I roll on top of Asher, causing mud to transfer onto him. I lean in close. "You have a little bit of mud right....here." I take a handful of mud and smear the mud all over his cheek. I start laughing at his facial expression and Asher rolls us over , adjusting us so I am now under him. I see revenge flash quickly through his eyes before it is replaced by what can only be described as lust. He looks into my eyes before his lips come crashing down onto mine. His lips are soft but firm, molding against mine.

My arms instinctively fly around his neck, pulling him closer to me. I am oblivious to the storm that is surrounding me, to the mud that covers us. All I can focus on is Asher. Sparks start at my lips and radiate towards the rest of my body. I bite down on his bottom lip, causing a groan to vibrate through him. His tongue invades my mouth and massages mine. All I can taste and smell is Asher. It isn't until Charlie comes over and starts barking at us that reality comes back to me. Asher pulls back and looks at me, staring deep into my eyes before getting up. He grabs my hand, pulling me up and leading me towards home.

    I am shaking from my cold wet clothes by the time I unlock and walk through the font door. Both Asher and I are covered in mud and have sopping wet clothes on. Both of us are visibly shaking. "Give me your clothes. I'll put them in the washer. You can use the shower first, it's upstairs."

     He looks at me before slowly pulling his t-shirt over his head. Oh my god. I am staring at pure perfection. Those abs are indescribably perfect. He removes his shoes and pants soon after, leaving him only in boxer briefs. I can not look away. My eyes are focused on his perfection, lingering on his crotch. I quickly recover, reminding myself of the task of washing our clothes. Asher turns and walks up the stairs with a knowing smirk on his face. Arrogant asshole. I pick up his clothes and walk to the laundry room. I strip off my own clothes and travel upstairs in my bra and undies as I  wait for Asher to finish.

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