Because you matter

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    I slowly walk into the living room. What the hell is going on here because I sure as hell don't know. Asher looks like he recently showered. His hair is wet and his clothes are different.

"So. I was thinking of what we should do today, and since it is nice out I was thinking of the zoo. So get your stuff together and let's go."

    So apparently Asher and I are hanging out today. I study him for a minute before nodding my head. He is wearing a plain black T shirt and faded blue jeans. I slowly back away, trying to piece together what is happening.

        Once I decide that this is a good thing, I quickly let Charlie out to do his business and grab my phone and wallet. I return in front of Asher, ready for whatever he is planning for the day. I lock my front door and follow him to his car, suddenly excited for the day. Asher plugs his phone into his stereo and familiar music fills my ears. I reach over and turn the volume up. Asher looks over at me with raised eyebrows. "You like Rise Against?" I look out the window before answering. "Who doesn't?" Asher nods his head before turning the music up even more.

The car ride is silent expect for the familiar music blaring in my ears. Several times I look over at Asher and am surprised to catch him staring at me. I quickly look away, feeling myself blush. Asher reaches across the center counsel and grabs my hand, giving it a squeeze.

    I am excited as we pull into the zoo. The last time I had been to the zoo was with my parents when I was eight. It has been fifteen years since I've been to the zoo, and I am excited that I am going to be with Asher for my return. Memories of my dad taking me to the zoo fills my mind, bringing a sad smile to my face.

     Asher runs to my side of the car and opens my door for me before I even have the chance to open it on my own. Asher leads the way, leading us to the ticket both where he buys our tickets. Like a gentleman, he doesn't let me pay for my ticket. He grabs my hand as we walk through the entrance.

   The day is going so fast and I am having so much fun. Asher is holding my hand the entire time, taking me from exhibit to exhibit. Asher often has to sit and rest for a minute, but I don't mind. He probably shouldn't be exerting himself this much but I'm too selfish to tell him this. I can't get enough of the animals, of spending time with him. I can't decide which is my favorite, the leopards, giraffes, otters. I love them all. Excitement floods through me as we continue walking, the next exhibit coming into view. The elephants. I can watch them all day. There is something about them that mesmerizes me. I remember my dad telling me how much the elephants were his favorite animal at the zoo. When I was little he used to chase me around the house making elephant noises. Happiness and sadness floods through me, it is bittersweet. I miss my father, but I enjoy having these memories of him.

      I give Asher a small smile as I excuse myself to the restroom at the end of the day. I am washing my hands when I lookup into the mirror. My blue eyes go wide as realization hits me. Our time at the zoo is over. I don't want my time with Asher to end. But deep down I know I am more scared of being alone. My stomach drops at the thought. Being with Asher has kept my mind busy, distracted. Who knows when I will see him again. I exit the bathroom and look around. After a few moments of looking, panic rises within me. Asher is no where in sight.

      I am still looking for him when a hand wraps around my head and covers my eyes. I stiffen, not knowing who is behind me. Memories of Josh's touch from last night overwhelms me. Then I catch a familiar scent, causing me to relax. He smells sweet from his cologne, but has a bitter smell from the cinnamon gum I always find him to be chewing. It is the smell I've come to know as Asher. I hear a deep voice in my ear. "Miss me?"

       I swing around with my arms crossed, giving him a look and prepared to lecture him on scaring people. Noticing my face, he sticks out his bottom lip, pouting. It is so damn cute, but it doesn't erase the panic I felt. "That was not nice, you scared me half to death asshole." My lecture is cut short by the face he is giving me.

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