A Chat With Erza

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Natsu had been driving himself crazy trying to find the perfect ring for Lucy. They had been dating for 1 year already but to them it felt like forever. He was ready to take the next step with her.

He had told Gray and Happy and only Gray and Happy. He trusted them and he wanted a minimal number of people and cats knowing.

"Umm Natsu" Gray said with a fearful look on his face.

"What is it? Did you find the perfect ring?" He asked hopefully.

"Natsu........ I know someone who will literally KILL you if she finds out you were planning this but didn't tell her"

"Who?" Said Natsu who was beginning to worry.

"Erza" he said.

Natsu eyes grew to the size of saucers.

"Oh crap. She would kill me, wouldn't she? Would I even get the chance to propose? Would she let me? I mean she thinks of Lucy as a little sister. Aww man she's gonna kill me" Natsu came to the realization that he was, in fact, a dead man.

"Natsu, man calm down. All you have to do is tell her and s you'll be fine" Gray said trying to desperately calm Natsu down.

Just then Happy flew in with an update.
"Lucy doesn't suspect anything. She just thinks you guys are out on a mission" he said.

"Good now Happy, I need you to tellErza to go to the park but keep it on the down low, okay?" Gray asked Happy. Natsu was to busy hyperventilating.

"Aye Sir!!" A with that he flew off.

30 minutes later

Natsu was sitting at the park picnic table, waiting anxiously for Erza to arrive.

"Natsu" Erza said walking up to him "why would you send Happy to call me when you could've easily done it yourself". A tick mark was starting to form on her forehead.

"Sorry Erza" he said while laughing nervously" there's something I've been meaning to tell you. Please please please don't get mad at me for not telling you sooner"

"Natsu!! Just spit it out" Erzabasis calmly.

"Okay I've been planning on proposing to Lucy and-" he was cut off.

"Oh My God Natsu! I am so happy for you and Lucy!! But," a dark aura appeared around her "if you do anything to hurt her, I will hunt you down and make you regret ever being born."

By then, Natsu was shaking in fear. Gray had come by during her threats. He found the perfect ring and he thought he should let Natsu know. He too was shaking.

"But I am quite certain you would never do anything to intentionally hurt Lucy, right?"


"Good. As you know, Lucy is like a little sister to me. I need to make sure you are a proper suite for her"

"Uhhhhh okay?"

Then started the questions. Most of them consisted of "Will you warm her up on a rainy Thursday morning?" or "Will you keep her safe whenever she's in danger?"

And all of the questions consisted of "Of Course" or "Always".

1 hour later

"Now question 287 : Can you promise me that you will love her unconditionally for the rest of your life with no regrets?"

Natsu smiled.

"With all my heart"

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