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Keep in mind that Author-San wants to make you suffer. You have been warned.

On June 12th of 2016, Juvia Loxar saw something she definitely did not want to see.

So of course, her first thought was to tell her long time boyfriend, Gray Fullbuster.

"I saw Natsu kissing Lisanna!"



I'm sure you're all confused and angry, so let's take this back a couple of hours ago.

Juvia Loxar was walking out of Fairy Tail, the bar in which they all hung out at, determined to find her boyfriend a perfect  3-month anniversary gift. Granted, it was two weeks away, but she was the type of girl that liked to be prepared.

But what she wasn't prepared for, was the noises she heard from the ally two buildings away from the bar.

Thinking someone might be in trouble, she decided to investigate. And what a horrible mistake that was.

She only barely managed to conceal her gasp of shock when she saw Lisanna Strauss sucking face with a pink haired man while being pushed up against the ally wall.

She immediately turned around and hid from the line of sight. Her thoughts were in a jumbled mess, trying to figure out what to do with the information she just acquired.

What surprised her wasn't that Lisanna was making out with someone. No, that was pretty believable. She was pretty and she excelled at flirting, that much was obvious. What surprised her was that she was making out with Natsu Dragneel! Lucy Heartfilia's boyfriend!

After the initial shock passed, all she felt was white-hot rage. How could that piece of scum do that to one of her best friends?!

After Lucy had gotten together with Natsu, Juvia had decided that Lucy wasn't a love rival, for she was clearly in love with Natsu. They became close and even closer when Gray had asked her out a month afterwards. From then on, it was all smiles and sleepovers for them. So seeing the man that her best friend was in love with making out with some ho-bag made her very upset, to say the least.

So that brings us to where we are now.

Juvia Loxar barging into Gray Fullbusters house with terrible news.

"I saw Natsu kissing Lisanna!"

Sadly, Gray was in his kitchen drinking water when the bluenette came in. The new was enough of a shock for his to choke on his water.

After a minute of violent coughs, slaps on his back and what sounded like a seal dying, Gray finally managed to say, "WHAT?!?!"

After 20 minutes of Juvia explaining everything that she saw, Gray was seething.

"Are you kidding me?! After all Natsu went through to get Lucy to date him, he goes and cheats on her! And with Lisanna?! How could he do that to her?! She like my baby sister!" Gray ran a frustrated hand through his hair.

"When I see him, I'm gonna beat the crap out of him!"

Just then, there was a knock at the door.

When Gray went to open it, he saw the person he most disliked at that particular moment.

"Hey, Gray! Mira wanted me to come by and give you-"

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