Long Distance

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Long distance was hard. When you're boyfriend is halfway across the world and in a TOTALLY different time-zone, your schedule tends to get you miffed.

And since you're both in college, (different ones I'm might add) you barely have enough time because of the massive amount of homework you have and the small social life you managed to keep.

But, even with every odd against them, Lucy Heartfilia and Natsu Dragneel are determined to make it work. The know they found the one and will do anything to keep them.

That's how we get to when we are now. In Lucy's dorm room in America at 3:00 am. On the phone with her fully energized boyfriend in Japan.

"Uh-huh." Lucy said while trying to peel her eyelids apart.

"And then, Gray decided it was a good idea to suddenly lose his shirt!! Classic Gray!"

"That sound like it was a fun day" Lucy said while she tried to stifle a yawn. She had 4 classes that day and was in no mood to stay up past 3:30. Again.

Lucy, feeling uncomfortable, decided to get under her covers to feel more relaxed. Which was a mistake.

With the sound of her boyfriend soothing voice in her ear, she couldn't help but be lulled to sleep.


"Luce?" Natsu asked a after he noticed his girlfriend was unresponsive for a couple of minutes.

He unlocked his phone and went to clock to check what the time was in Massachusetts in America. Lucy had gone to M.I.T [A/N: My dream school] because she wanted to be a computer programmer and wanted to be able to threaten anyone with her hacking powers.

Once he realized how late it was, he figured she probably just fell asleep. She did say she had a long day.

He considered hanging up, but if Lucy woke up, she's probably think he got mad and hung up on her. And, he remembered someone once told him that if someone fell asleep on the phone, they'd have nightmares. He didn't want the love of his life to have a nightmare.

He tried to think of something to do. When he finally thought of something, he knew it would be okay since he was so full of energy.

He started off.


Lucy woke up realizing what she did wrong.

'AH!! Natsu probably hates me now!!'

She tried looking for her phone and when she found it she noticed something odd. The call was still going.
Cautiously, she raised it up to her ear. She heard the distinctive sound of her boyfriend voice.

".... You put others needs before your own. You are selfless. You are beautiful on the inside and out. You are willing to-" he was cut off.

"Natsu?! Did you stay on the line the whole time?!?! Why didn't you hang up?! You obviously knew I was asleep so why didn't you?"

She heard him chuckle on the other line.

"Well I didn't want you to think that I was mad at you if I hung up on you and I didn't want you to have nightmares."

She was slightly confused at the nightmares part, but didn't question it. She only chuckled.

"What were you saying?" She asked.

"Well I wanted to make sure you didn't have a nightmare so I just recited all the things I love about you."

Her heart melted. She knew he loved her but this just made it all the much more real. And special. She had someone in her life that would do this kind of crazy thing just for her and she didn't care if she sounded selfish when she said that she loved the attention and live he gave her.

"Thank you." She said softly.

"You're the best. I love you."

She could almost hear his smile through the phone when she said that and when he said, "I know. I love you, too."

After exchanging 'good nights' and 'have a good days', Lucy and Natsu hung up the phone and went on with their lives.

It was only then that Lucy checked the clock. It was 4:15. She smiled. He had spent an hour and fifteen minutes telling her what he loved about her.

'Yup. This long distance thing is gonna work for us. No matter what anyone else says.'


I hope you like this fluffy chapter. I would like to dedicate this chapter to my good friend NancyFFranco   She's feeling a little self-conscious about her own book so I recommend you go read it. It's called Unconditionally in Love if you wanna look it up. Or just click on the link to her page.

Lots of love to my peeps.

RS83, out!!

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