Tea and Toast

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This chapter is inspired by one of my favorite songs so please just go with it.


"Tom was born in 1942 with eyes of blue and the doctor said his birth was far too fast."

Natsu Dragneel was born on June 12th of the year 1942, but he didn't come into this world without some difficulties.

"His heart stopped twice and yet he survived. As he took his first breath, his mother took her last."

Sadly, Natsu's heart stopped twice when he was coming into this world. And unexpectedly, Natsu's mother, Grandeena, lost quite an amount of blood, thus ending her life.

"And his father knew that he wasn't to blame, but he never quite looked at Tom the same after that."

Igneel Dragneel, Natsu's father, loved him very much, since the moment her was born. But with his dear wife's death being the effect to his child's birth, he couldn't quite see past that. He knew Natsu was the product of their love, and as Natsu was alive, a small part of her was still alive. Natsu wasn't to blame. In fact, he felt Geandeena's presence in him. But, he just couldn't see Natsu the same way he did in the first seconds of his life.

"And he rarely spoke about her but when he did, he said your mother used to say this....."

Natsu grew up feeling a bit shunned. His father would rarely speak to him about his mother and it hurt to see so much of Grandeena in him l, so he stayed away from his son. He did talk to him, only in emergencies it would seem. So whenever something bad happened to Natsu or any one he cared deeply for he would go to his father and cry. Although distant and cold, he would always be the shoulder Natsu needed to cry on. Only on those occasions did he bring up his mother. He would tell him that everything would be okay and that his mother used to say this....

"When the skies are looking bad, my dear, and your hearts lost all its hope, after dawn there will be sunshine and all the dust will go. Skies will clear my darling, I'll wake up with the one I love the most, and in the morning I'll make you up some tea and toast."


"Well they met through a friend who introduced them and the first thing Tom said was 'Would you like to dance?'"

Around when Natsu was twenty-two, his friend Gray had a part to celebrate his birthday. It was a formal event so Natsu took the time to look nice for his best friend. When Natsu got there, Gray immediate went up to him with a girl. A blonde beauty with brown eyes.

"Hey Natsu! There's someone I'd like you to meet!!"

He immediately pushed the two people together.

"Natsu, Lucy. Lucy, Natsu."

"Hi" she said whilst extending a hand.

Natsu took it right away and asked, "Would you like to dance?"

Gray was baffled at his sudden boldness but Lucy, however, seemed impressed.

"I would love to."

"Well they moved with each other, and when the music got slower he said, 'Don't let go of my hand".

Through the night, Natsu and Lucy had been dancing together. Occasionally stopping to get some food and drinks but then it was right back to dancing.

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