Say It In Flower

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It was a boring day for Natsu. His summer job his parents made him get was such a drag! And to make matters worse, the only place that would take him was a flower shop.

Great. Just great. This totally ruined his street-cred. Blarg.

Like I said, just another boring day.

"Have a nice day," he called out lazily out to a customer. To be honest, that guy was a total jerk. He was demanding stuff here and there as if he was the boss.

That's another thing. The boss.

The boss was an uptight pri•k who made no effort to help his employees or give a crap about the rude way customers talked to them.

"No matter what, you always have tot tell them to have a nice day."

After hearing that 15 times a week, we was getting pretty sick of it. The boss even made it into a poster!!

But that's not the capper. He said that if anyone ever tried to rob you, you had to be willing to give up your life for this shop. Like anyone would willingly give their lives for a flower shop.

When Natsu was young he thought that if he ever worked in a store and someone tried to rob him, he'd be that one bad@$$ that would tell them "hells no". But now that that might be a possibility (who would rob a flower shop anyways? If you wanted a flower all you had to do is go outside and simply pick one) all he could think was 'Pssht!! I ain't risking my life for this!'

All in all, this job sucked.

And this was just another sucky day doing the same sucky things for the same sucky costumers just to get some flipping slack from his uptight parents. (They should really remove that stick up their butts, in his opinion.)

That is until she walked in.

A frazzled blonde with her hair up in a messy bun wearing a blue/white lacy crop top, skinny jeans, an expensive looking watch and white sandals came running into the store.

She stopped just I front of him, across the counter and slapped a 20$ bill in front of him.

"How do you passive-aggressively say 'f•ck you' in flower?"


Blink. Blink.


She groaned. "Look, dude, at the beginning of the day I had 30 bucks and now I have 20 because I spent some on the cab here and I really don't wanna spend more so I'm hoping you can help me so I don't have to go somewhere else and spend more money."


Blink. Blink.


Another groan. "Geez, I guess you can't help me."

Everything this woman said just clicked into gear. He knew if he let a sale go to waste his boss would never let this go which would eventually end to him getting fired. But hey, helping a pretty girl is always a win.

"No wait. I can help you. You just need to be more specific."

"Dude, it's not that hard. I just want 'f•ck you' flowers."

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