We Don't Talk About The Koalas

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Natsu had some choice words he'd be sharing with the principal at his daughter's school.

Some very stern, choice words.

Honestly, at this point, he was seriously considering just stalking over there and punch the first person he saw. And all because of a koala.

It had been over an hour since Nashi had gotten home, looking downcast and upset. When Natsu had asked her what was wrong, she'd looked up at him, lip wobbling, and then promptly burst into tears. She'd been inconsolable ever since.

From what he'd been able to gather, her second-grade trip to the zoo had gone fine until they'd reached the koalas.

Apparently, and he'd never actually known this, koalas' teeth stopped growing once they reached a certain age, little by little wearing down until all koalas simply died of starvation, no longer able to chew their food. A fact that had left his seven year old daughter extremely upset.

He had to give it to Nashi. She'd held it together long enough to get home, but now he was holding his sobbing little girl, and there was absolutely nothing he could say to make it better. The only thing he could do was sit with her, listening to her cry, and draft the angry letter to the school management in his head. He tried his best to calm her down, whispering soothing words, and rubbing his hand down her back, but ultimately, he just had to wait until the crying died down, and she finally fell silent, a shuddering breath escaping her every few minutes.

When he thought enough time had gone by and she was calm enough, he spoke. "Hey, Nashi, sweetheart, look at me," he said, pulling away and looking down at her. They were sitting on her bed, Nashi curled up in his lap, and she sniffled, looking up with her tear-streaked face, blue eyes shining. Natsu rubbed his thumb gently under her eyes, wiping away the tears. The front of his shirt was damp, but he ignored it.

"I'm sorry about the koalas." Nashi's lip trembled again. "Sometimes, things just happen, and we can't control them, there's nothing we can do." Unfortunately, the way Natsu lived his life, he knew this more than most.

"But it's not just that... It's not fair, Daddy. They didn't even do anything. They didn't get sick, or get eaten, they just die!" She sucked in another breath, face crumpling once again, and Natsu pulled her close again, looking to the ceiling and rocking her gently.

"I know, sweetheart, I know..."

Honestly, as upset as he was for her, Natsu had to hold back a smile at the fact that Nashi wouldn't have minded if the koalas got eaten or died some other way. It wasn't about death, or nature. It was about the pointlessness of it. The injustice. And part of Natsu was proud that his daughter was so affected by it.

But there was still nothing he could do for her, other than let her cry it out, which left him feeling completely helpless.

Another twenty minutes and Nashi had cried herself to sleep. It was early for her to be going to bed, and she hadn't had supper, but he tucked her in nonetheless. If she got up later, he'd scrounge something up, but right then, she needed the comfort of sleep more than anything else. He smoothed her comforter down, looking around the room with a sigh. He grabbed a few of the stuffed animals strewn across the floor, putting them back in the basket where they belonged. He spotted a stuffed koala and grabbed it, shoving it into the back of Nashi's closet before he headed out, turning off the light and closing the door halfway.

Natsu headed to the kitchen, setting a pot of coffee to boil and pulled out a mug. He checked the clock on the kitchen wall and pulled out a second one. Sure enough, just as the coffee was ready and he poured his own cup, he heard the front door open.

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