The Story Of That Crayon

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To make up for the previous chapter....


Fairy Tail Academy: Kindergarten

Levy was happy. She had a friend here at kindergarten! She didn't need her stupid brother now!

Her said friend had soft blonde hair. Levy was kinda jealous, but hers was straight, which Levy didn't like, but it looked pretty on her face, matching the shiny, sparkly brown eyes.

Her name was Lucy.

She was coloring, with assorted rainbow color crayons.

Levy was joining her. She had this really nice red crayon, borrowed by her new best friend! Cuz' she had prettier and more colors in her box of crayons.

Levy's crayons were special though, because they were long and pointy and different and they were from her artistic older brother. He said "They were for drawing, not coloring."

So she didn't color with them.

Suddenly, her crayon was snatched away from her!

Levy frowned, and looked toward the boy with the pink hair, coloring with her borrowed crayon.

"Hey! Give it back!" She cried.

"Shut up. I need it."

Tears started forming in her eyes. "B-but that's not my crayon! Give it back!"

"Shut up. I'm busy." The boy repeated, glaring at her with frightening onyx eyes.

Tears threatened to fall, and the previously coloring girl took notice of Levy's tears, and the boy with her crayon.

"You meanie! That's my crayon!" Lucy yelled, slamming her fist into the boy's head. "You don't have the right to take my crayons!"

The boy fell out of his chair, and Lucy snatched the crayon back.

She huffed to Levy, "C'mon! Let's go play with the Legos with that lonely-looking raven haired boy with the pretty dark eyes! He needs a friend! Let's put our crayons away! Levy, stop crying!"

"O-okay," Levy sniffed, and grabbed Lucy's chubby hand, and towed her to the corner where that boy was sadly building a precarious tower that was going to fall.

Natsu rubbed his head. That hurt.

His lip trembled, and he burst into tears.

The teacher came over to him. "What's wrong, Natsu?"

"Blondie over there punched me in the head!" He sobbed.

The teacher marched over to the corner where the two girls were playing with their new friend, Gray.

"Lucy, did you punch Natsu?"

The blonde looked up at her scary tall teacher.

"Yes, because he was being mean to Levy!" She stated defiantly.

"Lucy, go sit in the corner by the window for a timeout of ten minutes," the teacher sighed.

Natsu tuck his tongue out at her, and laughed. "Haha, blondie!"

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