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"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Lucy yelled as she started moving. Just 20 minutes ago she had started going into labor and it sucked. The only good part was what she knew she was getting out of it. A beautiful baby girl.

"Oh, God!!" Natsu yelled as Lucy tightened the death grip she had on his hand. They had just barely made it to the Magnolia Hospital and Lucy was giving Natsu grief the whole way there. For example, when she had just informed him through grunts that she was going into labor and his first words where "Oh Lord!! Where are my keys?!" then frantically looking for them, Lucy may or may not have shouted, "Oh My God, Natsu!! I swear if you don't get your keys in the next 8 seconds, I will get out of this chair, squat down in the corner of this room, and having this freaking child right here, right now!!!!" Which led them here.

"Just breath in and out" Natsu tried to sound soothing, but he knew she heard the tiniest bit of worry in his voice.

"Aww, thanks for trying to help. But I swear if you try to tell me what to do during this labor again, I am pretty sure I will not your hand off!" She finished with a growl.

"Okay then. I will let that go because I know you are under a lot of stress. And I can tell, by the way you a gripping my hand, you want me to shut up" he said as his hand started turning blue.

"God!!! Why does your voice sound like an annoying duck!!" She said with a grunt.

"Again. Letting that go" he said as he winced in pain from the right grip.

"Sorry" she simply stated. All he did was kiss her sweaty cheek and smooth back her hair with his other hand. Yup, this was gonna he a long day.


"Is that how labor is?" Asked a very pregnant Juvia to a very scared Gray.

"I think so" he said, his face as blank as a ghost. Everyone could hear Lucy's screams of pain coming through the thin hospital door from the waiting room just outside. Gray could especially hear Natsu's screams that consisted of 'LUCY MY HAND IS GONNA FALL OFF!' and 'WHY IS GHIS HURTING ME SO MUCH!!'

Since Juvia was just a few months away from labor, he wondered if that's how it'll be when it's then in that room.

Suddenly, the screams of pain stopped and a never before heard voice came. The baby. The grabbed his video camera, ready to capture this moment.

A nurse came out, saying that the couple requested them. They braced themselves for what was behind that door.


Lucy was glowing. Which was unnatural because she had just given birth. But somehow, it just worked for her.

However, the thing that glowed the most was the calm baby wrapped in a yellow blanket also covered by Natsu's scales scarf.

Natsu was leaning down against the bed, head on his crossed arms.

Gray immediately tried to capture the moment.

"Is it recording yet, Gray?" Whispered Erza, afraid that if she spoke to loudly, the moment would shatter.

"Not yet Erza" Gray said as he fumbled with the camera.

"Gray-sama, push that red button" Juvia said, a bit exasperatedly.

"This one?" He asked as he pressed the red button. He saw his reflection on the mini screen and said, "Oh! It works!! Thanks Juvia!"

As he started moving to face the camera towards the happy family.

"Figures, Popsicle doesn't know how to work the d*mn thing" Natsu snorted. That caused a tick mark to appear on Grays forehead.

"What'd you say, Flame Brain?!" He said as he adjusted the camera on them.

"Get your ugly mug out of the shot!! You're ruining the moment" Natsu said but he meant no real malice.

Tears started pooling in the corner of his eyes at the sight of his wife holding his newborn.

"What do you plan on naming her?" Asked Erza.

Natsu and Lucy looked at each other, then down at the baby girl. They spoke at the same time when they said,


Lucy then stated her full name.

"Nashi Layla Dragneel"

They had just gotten a new addition to their little family and they couldn't be happier. Natsu leaned over and kissed Lucy, then he leans down and kissed Nashi's forehead and whispered,

"Welcome home, Nashi"

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