My Girlfriend Is A Prophet

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Her entrance to his life wasn't ordinary.

"You'll fall in love for me. I'm your destiny" she said. And smiled. It was strange. Especially since she had yellowish blonde hair. He should have run from her the moment he saw her. But even indifferent Natsu Dragneel can be curious.

"My name is Lucy" Her name was the only ordinary thing about her.

"I have an ability to see the future and I saw us in love with each other" He never was a person who believed others. He was always skeptical about supernatural things. Still he didn't doubt her words.

Somehow, he became her boyfriend.

He tried to resist but then she said

"It's meaningless to reject me, you'll still end being my boyfriend who is totally into me." She said it so matter of factly that he'd actually thought "What's the point, if it still happens."

He never admitted it but he actually enjoyed having Lucy as his girlfriend. Every day was like roller coaster, interesting and adrenaline-filled.

She made him do things which he thought he'd never do. Somehow she knew that he will enjoy them.

He could be a hero.

Lucy pointed to the nervous woman several meters away. When Natsu looked, he saw some guy's hand in woman's bag. He was quick enough to stop the thief from running away with the wallet. He punched the guy, who was then lying unconscious till policemen arrived. The woman said he was the hero since he stopped her losing the money for her daughter's surgery. Lucy just watched him blushing (again the emotion he never felt before) from so much praise and smiled.

He could have a real friend.

They were kissing (which Natsu never suspected to be that pleasurable) on a bench when Lucy suddenly pushed him hard. He fell on some raven haired guy passing by. The guy, whose name was Gray, had a white shirt (he looked like he struggled to keep it on) which was now covered in dust. He started shouting. "Idiot! Ash for brains! Juvia put so much effort to clean my cloths. I'll kill you!" Natsu never apologized so they started a fight. Being too preoccupied kicking and punching, he didn't notice that Lucy, instead of screaming and stopping them, how any other girlfriend would do, just stood smiling. Then, when they were too weak and bitten to fight, she took them to her house, treated wounds and made a dinner. While eating, two guys kept bickering until Lucy suddenly hit Gray on head. He looked so dumbfounded that Natsu started laughing (which happened a lot since he met Lucy). The girl then hit Natsu so hard that he dived his face into the plate. It was Gray's turn to laugh. Like this, the dinner ended up being funny, joyfull and... friendly.

He could be favorite son.

Another thing Natsu would never admit is that he had a younger brother complex. His elder sibling, Zeref was almost perfect and much loved by their parents. All Natsu's achievements paled compared to Zeref's. That made him shy in front of his parents.

"Natsu plays the guitar and sings." Lucy said while on family dinner which she invited herself. Natsu almost choked.

"Really?" His mother said surprised, while his father glanced at him with interest. "I thought my son only studied."

"He is talented in many things." She answered. "You should show it to your parents, Natsu?"

"Lucy, I don't think..." He caught a skeptical look from his brother. Then he looked at Lucy and saw a reassuring smile. "Ok, I'll get a guitar."

When he finished, his father slapped him on the back and said with a nostalgic smile. "You know, I also played the guitar when was your age. Actually, it's how I proposed to your mom. I sang a song." Natsu was shocked. He never thought his father would be the romantic type.

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