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Contrary to popular belief, Natsu Dragneel was not an idiot.

Sure, the occasional joke flew over his head sometimes but that didn't mean he was stupid or dense or anything else someone might call him.

So when his best friend started ignoring him after all the commotion of restarting the guild had died down, he knew why.

I mean, if Lucy did to him what he did to her, he'd be pretty pissed. In all honesty, he was expecting much worse than the silent treatment. But it still sucked.

And he can see where she's coming from. If Lucy had left for a year with nothing but a note as warning, he'd use his heightened senses to track her down and bring her home. But Lucy didn't have the advantage he did. That wasn't a choice for her.

And he felt more like a douche after figuring out that Aquarius had died and the guild disbanded and everyone went their separate ways and that she was alone. She was all alone. He at least had Happy with him.

But it's not like he wanted to leave her all alone. He just wanted to get stronger. For her.

He still had nightmares. Even though it happened a year and a half ago, he still had nightmares. Well, that was bound to happen when you see the future version of your best friend get murdered right in front of you. And add that to watching his father die right in front of him too. After all those years of searching for him, he only got to fight beside his father for a short while before Igneel was wrongly taken from this world by Acnologia.

He didn't want anyone else precious to him taken from this world because he wasn't strong enough to protect them.

But he couldn't make Lucy see that if she wasn't talking to him.

And she was being subtle too. Subtle enough that the other members of the guild didn't notice. But he managed to catch on when she started locking the widow so he wouldn't get in or when she started going on missions without him.

If only he could make her understand...

And he knew the perfect way to do that.

"Natsu! Let me go!" Lucy shrieked as he dragged her across town. He had just walked up to her at the guild, grabbed her arm and walked out the door. He still had yet to explain where they were going.

"No! Not until you hear what we have to say!"


Natsu didn't bother responding. He just dragged her along until they reached a café.

"Umm Natsu? What are we doing here?" Lucy asked as they made their way inside and sat at a table.

Natsu looked into her eyes and she felt herself squirm under his gaze.

"I know your mad at me and I don't blame you. I just want you know that I'm sorry for leaving you and that the reason I did was to get stronger. For you."


"Lucy, do you know how hard it was watching you die? In case you don't know, it sucked. Lucy, your my best friend and if anything were to happen to you, that would just be it for me.

"Along my year long travel, I met a man on a job once. He claimed to be a singer and said that he'd payed me for some inspiration. So you know what I talked to him about?"

Lucy looked skeptical to answer but after a few seconds of silence, she finally did with a "What?"

Natsu smiled. "You. Us."

Lucy's eyes softened as he elaborated.

"I told him about my situation and why I was out training. I told him about well," Natsu trailed off as he looked away and a blush appeared on his face. He looked up at her again with resolve in his eyes and grabbed her hands, "I told him about my love for you."

Lucy's gasp was audible.

"And he kinda exploited my emotions and turned them into a song. The reason I brought you here was because he's playing it here in about 10 seconds."

The lights suddenly dimmed and a single light shone onto the stage. A man with a guitar can and sat on the stool in the middle of it. Hey tried a could of cords before he started playing an amazing tune. And then he sang.

'Baby, we can make it,
Pull me off the pavement,
Bring me back to basics.
Ever since i left you,
You took a part of me, I can't replace it.
I'm half of what I came with,
Carrying the same weight.
Now I need a rescue
To pick me up and make me right.

Remind me what I felt,
Before u went away.
Tonight I need your help,
Remembering myself.

Take me right back to the start.
Fantasize we ain't apart,
Woah, woah.
And it feels like I can't get enough.
Tonight I need your help,
Remembering myself.

You told me to embrace it.
Everything is changing.
Get up off the pavement.
You used to be a dreamer,
But now you ain't afraid to go and chase it.
So all that's left to say is,
Alone you had to face it.
I wanna feel you once more,
Before we have to say goodbye.

Remind me what I felt,
Before u went away.
Tonight I need your help,
Remembering myself.

Take me right back to the start.
Fantasize we ain't apart,
Woah, woah.
And it feels like I can't get enough.
Tonight I need your help,
Remembering myself.

It feels good to lie that I'm alive without myself.
It feels good to lie that I'm alive.
It feels good to lie that I'm alive without myself.
It feels good to lie that I'm alive, that I'm alive.

And it feels like I can't get enough.
Tonight I need your help,
Remembering myself.'

A symphony of claps was heard all around the café and the man singing was seen giving Natsu a thumbs up.

Lucy turned to look at Natsu, a bit of humor in her eyes.

"Did you dealing fantasizes that we weren't apart?"

Natsu cracked a smile. "I really did. And Luce, I meant every word. Without you, I lost myself. When I came back, you were the one to help me remember myself. And for that, I am forever grateful."

Lucy grabbed his hands with her free one and looked into his eyes.

"Well your welcome." She let out a light chuckle before saying, "I love you, Natsu Dragneel."

"And I love you Lucy Heartfilia. So what do you say we head home?"

With her hand in his, Natsu and Lucy walked out of the café and walked back to her house.

Nope. Natsu Dragneel certainly isn't an idiot. He did get the girl of his dreams to fall in love with him, after all.

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