The Loves Of Her Life (Part 1)

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This is the first part and you'll notice that this is mostly GrayLu but you'll see hints of NaLu here and there. The second part is purely Nalu. This is dedicated to nalu_lovers cuz it's subtlety hinting that i think it would be awesome if she did some one-shots!


Lucy falls in love with Gray Fullbuster on a Tuesday.

She's fifteen and rambling, again, and she made him laugh so hard that Coke spilled out of his nose. After he finish having a mini seizure, he said that they should hang out more.

Hang out becomes make out becomes regular dating. She wasn't complaining.

She falls for him on a Tuesday, and she doesn't think she'll ever stop.


"What's your favorite animal?" he asks, their heads pressed together as they lay on his bed. He has one of her hands and he's playing with her fingers, her leg is stretched out, ankle overlapping his.

She shrugs. "Koalas."

He stares at her, his lips turning up. "Really?"

"Yeah, why?" Her eyebrow raises curiously. "What's your favorite animal?"

He nods, saying proudly, "Monkeys."

She scoffs. "How are monkeys better than koalas?"

"Monkeys are awesome! You can teach them to pick-pocket."

Lucy laughs, her brows hiked. "And that's a defining characteristic of any animal worthy of being favorite?"

"In my books, it is."

"What do you even need with a pick-pocketing monkey?" she wonders, shaking her head.

"I don't know, but I'm going to find out."

He's a bit of a dork, and she likes that. So she kisses him, even as he tells her, in between kisses, as he pushes her onto her back, that he's going to teach it to steal very certain things and replace them with other, seemingly pointless, things, and it'll have its own wardrobe, and he'll name it Banana Pants, because why not?

If she didn't love him before, she falls in love with him right then.


They fight over dumb things, like how much she studies and how little he does—

("You know there are other letters of the alphabet than D, right?"

"Yeah, but 'D' has a nice ring to it, don't you think?")

Like how he likes to party and she's a little more cautious about how much she drinks—

("You need to catch up, Heartfilia, I got 3 drinks to your 1."

"Or maybe you need to slow down."

"Don't harsh my buzz. I have it on good authority that the host's girlfriend should be a lot drunker.")

Like how outgoing he is, how people fall at his feet for his attention, while she feels awkward at his side, like maybe they don't fit by society's standards—

The NaLu Chronicles Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora