When/How you guys cuddle

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Scott- he is most likely to hug you when you seem upset or stressed. You'll lay next to each other, you in the role of the little spoon, and him the big. He'll take your hand in his own by placing an arm around your waist, and will place his head in your shoulder.

Stiles- he is more of a celebratory hugger. When things go well, he'll hug you as if to spread the joy. When you guys hug, there's arms around each other's torsos.

Derek- in the evenings. When it's cold. He'll pull you against his chest, where you can rest your head, and wrap your arms around him.

Jackson- Not a hugger. Let's be honest. After big games, he occasionally celebrates by giving you a big hug, but, rarely.

Isaac- you guys sit on the sofa, you between his legs, him as the big spoon. His arms snake around your waist as you snuggle against him.

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