What you do when you're horny

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Scott- You invite him over, to 'do homework.' In reality you shamelessly flirt, sitting too close for comfort, leaning over him so he can see your breasts, making innuendos. You name it. Eventually he'll pop a boner, give in, and suddenly flip you over and screw you.

Stiles- over exaggerate an oral fixation. Make sure if you're doing homework you're really going down on the pen, pretending you haven't noticed. When you know he's been paying attention, you tease him about it, until you end up on the bed, tangled together.

Derek- You masturbate really loudly in a room close to where he's working, so he can hear you. You surround yourself with his used shirts, and his pillows, and moan his name over and over, until he storms in, because, alongside his super hearing, it's too distracting. He Rios off his shirt, scoops you up against him, and fucks you hard.

Jackson- You usually get the most horny when you see him at school. At lunch, you make sure you're in a spot where he can directly see you, and you'll buy something like a banana from the school cafeteria, and stare at him, eating it seductively, until he can't keep eye contact with you, and you skip next period because there was a 'situation' that needed to be taken care of.

Isaac- When you're super horny, you let him know. You clamber onto his lap, straddle him, and make it desperately obvious. There's grinding involved, and kisses pressed to his lips and neck, before he reacts by pulling you flush against him, growling at you.

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