He catches you masturbating

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Scott- He was due to come round for dinner, but you were already in the mood, so you thought you could be quick, and he wouldn't find out. But, when you were in the middle of the act, your Dad let Scott in, without letting you know, and so when he came into your room, you were arched off the bed, letting a string of profanities escape your lips, eyes closed tight. He stood silently until you came, screaming his name. When you opened your eyes, you went bright red. "How long have you been stood there!?" He chuckled, grabbing your hand. "Long enough," he replied, before taking your used fingers into his mouth, making you wet all over again.

Stiles- He was taking his time to get to yours, do you sent him a text threatening to do yourself, if he didn't hurry up. He still took half an hour, so you gave in, and started to masturbate, taking your time. You were nowhere near completion, luckily, when Stiles finally got to you, and he didn't say a word. He just put his things down gently, and slowly walks over, lips parted, to watch, as you smirk. It doesn't take long before he's hard as nails, and you pull him down to 'fuck you hard.' It's what you'd been waiting for after all. He later reveals to you, he deliberately took his time after reading your text, so he could see you touch yourself.

Derek- sometimes, you would sit on Derek's desk, skirt around your waist, fingers playing with your clit, facing the door. With Derek's superhearing, he could hear you from miles away. He would walk into the room, and see you with your eyes closed, sighing his name, full if lust. "Right here, baby," he would say. He would walk around the desk, eventually taking a seat, casing you to turn to face him, placing your legs either side of the chair, where he had the best view. You would take your time, groaning like a pornstar as you finger your pussy, as Derek's eyes glowed, as his mouth practically watered. You threw your head back when you came, screaming, and after you slowly pulled your fingers out of yourself, Derek gripped your hand, and sucked the juices clean of your fingers, as he hummed in approval, as you bit your lip watching him.

Jackson- you hoped he would catch you. Every time. You would let yourself into his house, spread out on his big king sized bed, and finger yourself, waiting for him to come back from lacrosse practice. When he got back, and saw you on the bed, groaning, he would smile, and take his time putting his stuff away, while you continued in the background. When he was done, he would slowly crawl across the bed, pull your fingers out, and go down on you

Isaac- you lay on your his bed, in one of his shirts nothing else, two fingers buried in your pussy, as you think of all those dirty things Isaac has said and done. His kisses; against your mouth, jawline, neck, collarbone, and especially those delicious ones he presses to your clit, because he knows they drive you wild. His fingers, and how they expertly play you, tease you. And of course his big, thick cock, that seems to be able to please you at every angle. You make sure you're spread out on his bed, to get the best angle, when his door clicks open, and he walks in, dropping everything as you moan his name. He walks over the the bed, and sits, legs out, leaning against the bedpost. You stop, and look over to him, blushing. He motions you forward, and so you go and straddle his lap, fingers still buried inside yourself. He looks down at your wrist, and then back into your eyes, nodding, signaling you to keep going. So you do. He watches you for a while; a combination a how you move and you're facial expressions. With his lips close to your ear, he asks, "couldn't you wait for me?" You keep fucking yourself on you fingers; "I needed it now. So horny. And you-ah!-you weren't here." He slowly slides his hand down your arm that was at work, starting at the shoulder. "You needed me?" You groan in response. "Do you need me now!" His fingers stop at your wrist. You nod, mewling into his neck. "Need by big hard cock, hmm?" "F-fuck Isaac. Please." His hand now rests over yours, "you need me here?" He slides two fingers in alongside your own. "Fuck Isaac! Yes! Please fuck me!" He chuckles, and pulls you in to kiss him. You remove your own fingers, to wrap arms around his neck, as he thrusts his own fingers, using his other hand to undo his jeans.

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