The mark you leave on him

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Scott- Bite marks on his hip bones. They usually make him groan loudly, and get super hard so you can suck him off. When he changed for lacrosse, all the boys would see them.

Stiles- you would suck marks on his jaw line, and in the morning there would be read marks littering there. He would be embarrassed, but left them be for your pleasure. It's as if you claimed him as your own, and everyone knew it.

Derek- finger-shaped bruises all over his back from where you gripped him as he pound against your cervix. He would growl, and enjoy the pain, sporting him to increase his pace of thrusts. He would work out shirtless around you the next day, to show you what you'd and, how he was proud, and how hit they were.

Jackson- a split lip. When you were making out as you rode him, you bit down and pulled on his lip, causing it to split and spill blood. He could tell people it happened in a sporting incident, but instead he chose to tell people it was non of their business.

Isaac- Whilst he was sleeping, you would pull up his shirt, a place a kiss just below his bellybutton, leaving a bright red lipstick mark. You would leave before he woke up, and when he got to school, he would lift up his shirt, and show you it was still there, winking.

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