When he's angry at you

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Scott- he'll be more reserved. He'll barely text you, no matter you much you text him, and he'll space out when you try to talk to him. He feels really bad when you guys make up.

Stiles- he won't answer your questions, until you apologise, or bargain with him for whatever you did wrong. He doesn't keep it up for long, and you two both laugh about it after.

Derek- spends more time doing the wolf thing, and less time with you. When you two do get alone time, he will use excuses so you two won't have sex until you are patched up together again.

Jackson- Won't let you use his car, and won't give you booty calls, so you don't fuck until the argument is over.

Isaac- pouty face. He'll act all mopey around you, to make you feel terrible. You usually don't last long, because his puppy face makes you want to cheer him up again.

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