The mark he leaves on you

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Scott- He rakes his nails down your shoulder, so for the following few days, you have to wear shirts that keep it hidden, bit you can just see a hint of red over your neckline, to keep him smug.

Stiles- Hickies. So many of them, all over your neck and shoulders and collarbone. They would be red and bruised and sore, but everyone would be able to see them the next day, which kept stiles embarrassed yet aroused.

Derek- scratch marks all over your back, waist and midriff. He would grip you as you rode him, claws digging into your skin. They would bleed for a while, and it was unfortunate you could hide them, but God they made you cum hard.

Jackson- Not necessarily a mark, but the days after you fucked you wouldn't be able to walk properly, especially in heels. You liked it though. You loved being sore with every step you took, reminding you of how deep his cock had got.

Isaac- Bruises on your thighs from when he ate you out. On your hips as he thrusted into you, and you rode him. You would wear crop tops so people could see the few above your waistband. That really turned the both of you on.

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