Date Night

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Scott- You usually spring spontaneous dates on one another, always persuing the element of surprise. The beat dates were this in which you went out to dinner, nowhere overly fancy, but quiet and remote, and then did an activity, like sport or archery, in which you could compete against one another.

Stiles- Being the utmost nerdy couple, you guys often went to see the latest sci-fi and action movies. On the odd occasion you persuaded him to see that one chick flick you actually wanted to see.

Derek- Not being the overly romantic type, you were the one to insinuate dates. You had to find something both of you enjoyed. Food. Forest. Done. Your typical dates involved a calm day and a picnic in the woods. Cliché, but fun.

Jackson- Yeah he has money to spare, but you two often go for drives in the Porsche, listening to soft rock and dance music, until you find an abandoned parking lot to make out or fuck in his car in.

Isaac- Date nights with him were normally just nights in. With either of your parents out, you were free to snuggle under blankets, on the sofa, away from the world, watching cheesy films and TV. Those days were the best days.

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