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One Year Later

I jump off the tree and check if there are any pack members from the Dawn Blood pack. Fortunately, there are none.

I climb back up and claim my sports bag and jump off the tree. Quietly I run into the forest, towards the pack house.

The early morning is quite cold and I hug myself to keep myself warm. I'm near the pack house when someone growls and jumps onto my back, making me fall to the ground.

The wolf growls and jumps off me and gives me a chance to get up and then instantly attacks me. Before the male wolf can reach me, I reach for a knife in my bag.

He jumps up and I kneel making it easy to slice my knife through his stomach and he instantly falls onto the ground. I sigh, thinking that it was only one wolf.

Unfortunately, I am wrong and other five wolves leap out of the shadows and snap their jaws at me. "Damn it." I mutter and reach for the holster that holds my gun in it.

I get my gun and as quick as possible I aim it at a light brown one and shoot her between her eyes, making her fall to the ground, lifeless.

The other four wolves growl at me in anger and snap their jaws at me making me smirk, "Best fighter, huh?" I ask them and one of the males jumps at me but I step to the side, making the male fall to the ground, snout first.

We're fast runners. I say to myself and turn around ready to run but suddenly another wolf jumps onto my back and I groan at the pain when I fall to the ground, again.

I quickly roll to the side making the female fall but she quickly regains her stance and jumps above me, ready to bite my neck and snap it but I bend my legs and kick her in her lower parts which make her fly off me and into the nearest tree.

Jumping up I get ready to fight the other two males but someone jumps at me from the side making me fall.

I try to regain my breath as the heavy wolf turns me around and hits me right in the head.

I don't have the time to open my eyes as the darkness starts to welcome me in its comfortable arms and I cradle myself in them, letting it consume me.


I wake up in pain. A lot of it.

I slightly move my hands to rub my eyes but something stops me.

I open my eyes and look at my right hand, which is handcuffed in silver chains.

I hiss at the sudden pain.

And Wolfsbane.

Looking around the place I'm at, it clearly shouts:


I start to panic.

How did I get here?

That thought flows through my mind and then everything comes back to me in a flash.

The morning. Me fighting the fighters. Me getting knocked out.

I sigh in relief when I realise that I'm only in the Dawn Blood Pack cells and then my breathing quickens when I realise that I'm in the Dawn Blood Pack cells.

Shit, Shit, Shit.

I hear the door being opened and a tall figure walks in.

"You bitch. You fucking killed my mate." The guy growls at me and I smirk.

"The best fighter, huh?" I ask him with humour evident in my voice.

He growls from the deep of his chest and rushes over to me.

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