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A ringtone wakes me up from my deep slumber.

I lightly groan and slowly open my eyes, letting them to adjust to the light.

I look at my surroundings and smile at the feeling of the comfortable bed.

I feel something quite heavy on my waist and when I look down, I see a hand.

Of a male.

The heck?

Suddenly the latest memories come to mind and I relax. It's just Logan.

This has probably the best night of sleeping I have ever had. Probably of sleeping together with Logan.

Mother always said that when you sleep with your mate, it is very comfortable and nice.

The ringtone interrupts my thoughts as it starts once again.

A quiet growl comes from behind me and Logan unconsciously buries his head in the crook of my head.

"Make it stop." He grumbles in a husky voice.


Almost instantly realization kicks me in the head.

That's my phone. It's ringing.

I quickly grab Logan's hand and bring it to his side, but he takes it back to my waist.

"Logan I need to pick up the phone." I tell him. He mumbles some incoherent words and removes his head and arm from me.

I take the quilt off me and sit up at the edge. I take my sports bag and take my phone out.


My hand presses the green button and I bring the phone to my ear.

"Oh thank goddess you're alright." She sighs.

"Hey mom." I greet her.

"How is it going? Is everything alright? I got your voicemail. Love, I'm so happy for you. Is he good looking? Smart?-"

"Mom." I interrupt her.

"Alright alright. Anyways, it's great to know that you're healthy and alive. We haven't talked in so long, and your father was so worried. But you know how he is. Now that you have found your mate you can visit us sometime, it would be really amazing to see you." My mom stops her talking, waiting for my response.

"I guess we could, but I don't know when. It's so weird though, you know everything's so different now. I can't be a Runner anymore." I finish with a frown on my face.

My mother sighs, "I know how you love being a Runner, but Blake you were meant to find your mate sooner or later. Maybe you expected it to happen a bit later but what happens, happens. You can't change it now."

I get up from the bed and walk over to one of the white chairs. I sit down and check on Logan, who's eyes are closed and he seems to be in great sleep which let's me say the next words:

"I understand, but what if she gets out of control? I mean I can adapt, but her? I don't know. I know that she's happy that we found our mate, but that could change any minute."

"You don't know that." She replies.

I sigh and look at the tree outside the window. "Yeah I don't. But anything could happen."

Silence follows for a few minutes until mom decides to break it.

"Alright. Anything could happen. But let's not ruin the mood. You're twenty, you found your mate and you can now come and see us."

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