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As soon as the door closes I lift my head up to hear better of his footsteps. When I hear a door being opened and closed I sigh and jump out of the bed.

I am not staying here. No way. Nah uh.

I turn around the nice bedroom to see where the bag with my contents in it, is and notice the grey colour next to a white chair. I walk up to my bag and put the one strap over my shoulder and then head so I know that it won't fall.

Then I walk up to the window that is one that you can open and when I manage to do that, I form a quick plan on how to get down.

The tree itself is big so to climb down and get away unnoticed will count as my lucky day.

At first, I try to reach out for a strong branch which I am able to do, then I slowly stretch my right leg out and put it on another strong branch and then do the same with my other hand and leg.

I then slowly climb down the tree and when I reach the ground I look around for any pack members, and when I don't see any, my legs start moving in an increasingly fast pace and in no time I manage to near the woods but unfortunately, someone sees me and changes into wolf form and then starts to follow me.

To that, I increase my pace and jump up and down the ground. The wolf howls and I quickly turn my head to see the wolf starting to catch up with me. I curse under my breath and try to increase my speed but fail.

My breaths become more shallow and my vision slightly blurs but I don't take any notice. Unfortunately, I don't see a trees root and trip on it.

The fall forward makes my breath to get caught in my throat for a second and I groan.

"Damn it." I mutter when I hear footsteps behind me and slowly push myself of the muddy ground.

Now I'm gonna be even more dirty than I was before.

"Bad move there, my mate." I hear the voice behind me say and I feel the hairs on the back of my neck, rise.

Stupid mate bond. I don't want a mate, to be honest. I wanted one before I was a Runner, but when I realized how good it felt to run freely wherever I wanted I decided that I didn't want a mate. I just didn't think it was a priority.

I loved and still do, to be a Runner. No one tells you what to do or how to act. You're all by yourself.

When I stand on my two feet I look at Logan and smirk.

"And there I was thinking that I will escape." I half joke.

"Actually, I think that the way you quietly escaped through the window and reached the woods unnoticed is pretty impressive." He says and my smirk grows wider.

I slowly walk up to him so that our chests are near to touching and a plan forms in my head.

"Well when your dream is to be a Runner, you want to know every little thing possible to survive if you get chosen." I say and my right elbow quickly reaches his nose and he stumbles back due to the force of the hit.

Today is my day because he accidentaly falls over a fallen branch which gives me enough time to escape from him and I swear my legs are carrying me as fast as they can.

I smile to myself when I'm quite a distance from Logan and I stop when I reach a lake. I look around for a bridge but don't see one, so I decide on jumping over the lake, which is quite wide.

I walk a few steps behind and immidiately run in and jump but fall when something collides with my back and I, with the creature on my back, land right into the lake.

I hear a few curses and groan.

"Seriously? Can't you like, let me go?" I ask him and he quietly laughs.

He rolls off me and I get up on my feet and sigh when I notice that my bag is wet.

"A bitch you are." I tell Logan and turn around to get out of the lake.

I hear him get up and soon his body is right beside mine and we are both walking, when we get out of the damned lake.

"I do not expect you to run away like that again." He says in a firm tone and I turn my head to see the side of his face and raise my eyebrow.

"Are you actually telling me what to do?" I ask him and he stops in his tracks and so do I.

"Yes, I am." He replies when he looks back at me and I laugh.

"Yeah, I suggest you don't do that again." I tell him and this time he laughs.

"And what would you do if I did?" He questions me and I smirk once again.

"I would challenge you in front of your pack and then embarrass you." I tell him and his gaze hardens.

Alphas hate being embarrassed in front of their pack because that shows weakness which then leads to males wanting to fight him and trying to get his place as leader.

"You would not." He sternly says and I turn around to head back to his pack house.

"Try me." I say and start walking in the direction I have turned, leaving him to stand there.

I don't care if he is a male Alpha and my mate, I will do as I say. I simply don't like when someone tells me on what to do. At least not anymore.

Soon, I start to see the people from the pack and Logan catches up to me. We walk side by side in silence. I suddenly hiss at the pain that I feel from the both of my wrists and some people's heads turn to see who hissed.

I look at my wrists and they are still red, but slowly, so slowly healing.

"Are you alright?" Logan asks with worry laced in his voice. Instinct.

"Yeah." I reply and drop my hands at the sides of my body.

"You sure?" He asks once again and I nod.

"Just take me back." I say in irritation. His fault for being away for a month.

He notices my irritation and starts walking. I follow him.

Realization creeps in and I remember that when I was escaping there were no people, so we must be walking a different way.

Some mothers look at me and then avert their gazes after seeing me look at them.

Soon we pass the few people of his pack and end up in front of his - what seems to be- pack house. He leads me inside and the noise that comes from the ground floor is loud. Like it always was at my pack house.

We then go up the stairs that I had seen just about half an hour ago.

When we end up in Logan's room, he slightly grabs my hand and takes me to his bed without me being able to say a word.

He softly pushes me by my shoulders so I am sitting and then kneels down, taking my badly bruised wrists in his hands.

"What are you doing?" I question.

"Checking how bad your burns are." He replies, then sniffs my wrists which earns a confused look from me.

"Quite strong but not so strong that it will leave a permanent scar." He says, more to himself than me.

I pull my hands away and he looks at me.

"You just sniffed my arms, which for your information, stink of wolfsbane." I state with an emphasis on the word stink.

"Magic." Is all he says before getting up from his knees and going over to the door that clearly holds a bathroom.

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