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"So, tell me how'd you meet?" Jessica asks as we exit the taxi, making light conversation.

I laugh a little, remembering what happened just three days ago. Jessica already knows, she just wants to hear my side of it.

Me and her have gotten on really well since the first day we met. She's kind and calm, collected at all times. Even when her son threw a tantrum last night.


"Oh come on, you were fine with it on Tuesday. Heck, you even told me that I'd go." I groan.

"Yeah, but then I didn't realize that guys would stare at you. And they're mostly human too." He crosses his arms.

"Like they're going to look at me." I snort. So unladylike, Blake.

"They will." He stumps his right foot on the ground.

"Oh stop being such a child. They're just men." I glare at him this time.

How childish can he be? I'm literally going to the mall in town, with his mother.

His mother, who has not said a thing since the start of the argument, finally decides to speak up.

"Logan, you're being very unreasonable. Yes, the men might look at her but it's not like she's going to look back at them." I thank the Moon Goddess for her calmness.

I stretch out my hand towards Jessica, pointing at her with my whole hand, "See? Even your mother agrees with me. And she's right, I'm not going to look at them."

"But what if you do?" He argues, making me groan in annoyance.

I throw my hands in the air, "Dear Goddess. It's just a man and my eyes might set on his face, but it's not like they'll travel anywhere else."

"But there's still a chance." He spits out. He seems angry. For what, I don't know.

But it's truly not like I'll jump their bones. And anyways, mother always told me that once you meet your mate, no one can compare.

Irritated that he doesn't trust me, I yell:

"You know what, I might just go and do that. And maybe while I'm at it, I'll ask them to marry me and let me jump their bones."

He looks at me, his face hard as stone. "I'm done." I say and head for the door.

I twist the door handle down and pull the door and walk out, slamming the door behind me.

I start walking down the stairs, earning a few strange glances but I don't care.

"You might look at them and blah blah, blah. This and that, he doesn't like." I mutter in an annoying high pitched voice, when I'm at my last steps of being on the first floor.

I turn on my heel and walk down a hallway, leading me to the back door. I open the door and the sun shines in my face.

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