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"Who are we meeting?" I ask again.

Logan is holding my arm as we walk through the pack house to the outside.

"I have big plans. First of all we need you to meet my family and then, when you're ready, introduce you to the pack as Luna." He says and quickly pecks my forehand.

I nod, smile, and sit inside the car that Logan told me to.

He starts the car and we drive off in a steady pace.

He turns on the radio quietly, and we don't speak for about fifteen minutes.

"So, how do you like it?" He suddenly breaks the silence, causing me to turn my head so I can see him.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

He quickly looks at me before diverting his eyes back to the road, "How do you like it here, with me?"

"It's good." I reply.

He gives a small smile before asking, "So you don't want to run away?"

I bring my hand to his and give it a little squeeze, "No, of course not."

He lets out a breath.

"Well, not yet." I joke and he chuckles.

We go silent again and it's comfortable. After an hour or so, we turn a road which is protected by trees on each side.

We drive to the end of the road only to be met with so much life.

Little kids running around, teenagers hanging around a lake, adults doing things. So happy and full of life.


There are houses on one side of the large field as well as the other, all in bright colours. In the middle, is a middle sized lake, and then the rest is filled with Grass and flowers, but when you look good enough you can see crops growing at the very end of the field.

We get out of the car and I walk around to Logan.

"What is this place?" I ask as I put my hand in his.

He smiles, "This is where my family lives."

I quickly turn my head to face him, "All of them are your family?"

I have never seen anyone with such large family.

"No, of course not." He laughs.

"My family just lives here. It's like a pack but different. These wolves are very strong in their own way; whether it be intelligence or strategy or strength or something else. They are the Treasured Ones. They are granted full protection, just in case, and they help other packs." He explains.

"I've never heard of them, but that's so cool!" I exclaim.

We finally start walking and our walk is in a nice silence.

People we pass, smile at us and we smile back.

Soon, we reach a woman. She looks to be in her mid thirties.

The woman is stunning with her platinum white hair, electric green eyes and the smile on her face.

"Tia, meet my mate Blake. Blake meet Tia, my aunt." Logan says as he waves his hand between us.

If it's possible, Tia's smile widens even more.

"Oh my, nice to meet you."  She stretches her hand out and I shake it.

"It's very nice to meet you too, Tia." I smile as I say.

For a moment, we're all silent, and then Tia brings her hands together and looks at Logan.

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