Chapter 3

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Sunday was pretty chill was spent cheer practice free and enjoying the last day before school started. 

Amelia would be going into eighth grade tomorrow at Ocean City Middle, my mom be would be starting at a brand new children's hospital tomorrow as a pediatrician, and I was starting my senior year. 

That Sunday morning we all made breakfast together, then ate breakfast by the pool and we talked about what we wanted to achieve for this year. Mine was just to be comfortable, unlike how I was at this time last year. My mom understood and didn't say a word. Then the rest of the day past by pretty quickly which was doing nothing.

I woke up to the blaring sound of my alarm which I hated. I closed my eyes and tried to ignore it, but I couldn't. I let out a deep breath and turned off the alarm on my phone. I laid in bed for a few minutes gathering my nerves.

Today was my first day of senior year at a completely different school. Even though I was scared, I had to admit it was off to a good start. Considering I made the cheer team and everything. I decided I wasn't going to dread this morning, I was going to enjoy it.

I took the first step by opening the blinds letting in the tiny bit of sun that was out. 

I began to get ready by brushing my teeth, doing light makeup, doing my hair, and then putting on my outfit. I put on a black and white stripped crop top that you really couldn't tell was cropped, with high waisted shorts, and black vans.

I looked at myself in the mirror that hung on my bathroom door. I thought I looked pretty decent almost selfie worthy. I fixed my blonde hair that fell mid back. 

Let's do this.

I slipped my book bag over one shoulder and held my cheer bag in my hand. I ran downstairs and then headed for the kitchen.

"Good Morning Aspen Jane Peterson and Amelia Jasmine Peterson." My mom said as I walked in with my sister

My mom was dressed for work and she looked very professional. My mom made her homemade berry oatmeal for breakfast. She placed a bowl in front of me and one in front of my sister. Along with orange juice.

"Thanks, mom." I smiled as I started to eat "By the way you look very good and Amelia you look very nice today. So eighth grade."

"Thanks, Penny," Amelia said calling me by my nickname

My mom gave me a warm smile as she put the left over oatmeal away "Thank you and you look so senior. Not like a senior citizen."

I laughed as I continued eating my oatmeal, but somewhat fast so I wouldn't be late for school. I got up and put the bowl in the sink when I finished.

"Here's your lunch Aspen. Your favorites. I also put cold water bottles in there for cheer practice."She said handing my blue Vera Bradley lunch bag.

I gave my mom a hug "I know this is a completely new place for us and I don't know if you're nervous because you never really show us the side of you that isn't strong. I know that today you're going to kill this job. Probably even better than you did back in Pittsburgh otherwise they wouldn't have picked you. This hospital is lucky to have such an amazing, caring, loving, and strong woman."

My mom hugged me even tighter back "Aww Penny, thank you so much. You have an amazing day of senior year." 

"Well, Milly and Mom see you when I get home," I said grabbing my keys out of my book sack

"Bye Asp!" They both said as I walked out the house

I started up my car which was hot already from being in the sun. I blasted the a/c and began to drive to school. I nervously tapped the wheel at the stoplights and stop signs. The only good thing was I finally remembered where the school was without the GPS system telling me. This time when I saw the school it was much more crowded than it was when I came for cheer practice or tryouts.

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