Chapter 4

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 "Jazz, are you sure we should do this?" I whispered at her while I put my high heels on.

 "Please' Justin won't be back for a few more hours." Jazz rolled her eyes while fixing her hair.

 "And Pattie?" I questioned.

 "With Justin." Jazz said while putting her lip stick on.

 I sighed and applied a little more mascara to my eyes. 

 "Put a little more eye shadow on your eyes." Jazz told me while handing me' her eye shadow kit.

 "Yes dear." I grumbled while putting on some sapphire eye shadow.

 "Do you think I should dip dye my hair blonde?" Jazz asked me while teasing the last bit of her hair.

 I looked at her hair, she had medium length brown wavy hair.  Her hair matched her eyes which were a chocolate brown just like Justin's eyes.

 "I don't think you should, it wouldn't complement your eyes." I told Jazz while grabbing my hand bag.

 "Agreed." Jazz said. "Ready to party?"

"I'm not ready' for the outcome." I told Jazz.

 "Come on Zara, I promise that we will only stay for an hour." Jazz pleaded me.

 I bit my lips while thinking the good parts and the bad parts, Of going to the club.

 "We're not twenty-one yet." I told Jazz.  Good thinking on my part, we could get kicked out.

 "This club is eighteen and up." Jazz grinned.

 I groaned in response.  Jazz always has a good answer.

  "Come on, I already called a cab." Jazz grabbed my hand and towed me to the elevator.

***  At the club***

 The club that we we're going to was a twenty-minute cab ride, from our hotel.  I was surprised that Justin hasn't called yet, but then again he had a interview this evening.

 "Don't worry' Justin won't find out." Jazz told me.

 "Does Alfredo know were clubbing?" I asked Jazz.

 "I don't have to tell Fredo everything' Zara." Jazz sighed and took a sip of her coke.

 Our waitress then came over with a large bowl' of an ice cream sundae

 "We didn't order this." Jazz said to our waitress.

 "Oh it was ordered by those gentleman across' from you girls." The waitress smiled before heading off to one of her other tables.

 "I'm a dead woman if Justin finds out." I whispered to Jazz.

 "Justin doesn't own you." Jazz whispered back.

 I held up my left hand and pointed at my engagement ring.

 "You win." Jazz said while lifting up her glass up, I lifted up my glass to hers and we  clinked our glasses together.

 "Have a drink clink." I sang a little bit of Nicki Manaj's song Starships.

 Jazz and I then started laughing causing people to stare at us.

 "Should we eat the sundae?" I asked Jazz.

 "Let's go over and hand it to them." Jazz told me with a wink.

 It took both of us to carry the oversized ice cream sundae.

 When we got to the table the two males look around twenty-one.  One of them had dirty blonde hair and the other had black hair.

 Both of them smiled when they saw us.

 "Hi, thank you for the sundae but my friend and I can't accept it." Jazz said with a sweet smile.  Oh she's good I thought.

 "Don't worry babes, you can accept it and us." The blonde winked at us.

 "Um no we can't, we have to get home to our boyfriends."  I told the blonde dude.

 The blonde then got up from his chair and wrapped his arms around my waist.

 "Don't worry babes your secret is safe with us." The black haired guy winked at us and wrapped his arms around Jazz's waist.

 They then pushed us onto the dance floor as a slow song was playing. 

 "Excuse me." Someone tapped on the blonde haired dudes shoulder.  The guy that tapped on the blondes shoulder turned us around. 

 The guy who tapped on the blonde dudes should, was Justin.

NEW CHAPTER PEOPLES!!!  Okay so I have a few announcements!!

Announcement one:

I'm having a cover photo contest!  Here's what you have to do:

Make a cover photo that says the title of this book and send it to my Kik: Musical98

The winner get's to have a LARGE role in THIS book!!

Announcement two:

I'm going on a vacation this Wednesday and will return next Friday evening!  Which means I'll probably write a chapter or two for this story on the trip!  The hotel I'm staying at has wifi so I might even post while I'm there!!

Final announcement:

Christy's and I's story 'Daddy Direction Vamp' was on the popular page for a whole 24 hours!!  We we're so happy and we hope to get the story back on the popular page!! 

So please VOTE/COMMENT/FAN for more my lovelies!!!


Kaitlyn xx

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