LapisLover Official Art Contest!

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I've decided to start an art contest!

Frank/Fred(we still need to name him!):a what now?

An art contest!

Frank/Fred:What will they even draw?

Characters I've created, of course!

Frank/Fred(please name him I will give you a prize):Right, because people will totally jump over one another to redraw your crappy characters.

Go to Hell!

Anyhow, yes, you too can draw my crappy characters!

Said crappy characters:HEY!

*narrowly dodges several weapons*

Anyhow, yes. I've seen some of your guys' AMAZING artwork, and thought:Why the hell can't I draw like that?

Frank/Fred(please I swear to God I will do anything!):Because you suck.

*shoves it into a closet*

Anyhow, here's the rules!


1.First come, first serve.
The first person who gets back to me about a character gets to draw them. No buts.(different rules may apply for book covers;)

2.You must stay close to the original design
For most applicable characters, I will send you a picture(if possible) of the original drawing. Unless I give you special permission, you should strive to stay similar(but not exact) to the original design.

3.You may draw one character.
You may request up to three, but I can only promise one of them.(Note:Covers do not count as characters, so you can draw one character and one cover)

4.This is a coefficient contest!
Ask me questions about the character, whether or not it pertains to the actual design. I find it's easier to draw a character if you know their personality.

Ask any questions about he rules, I'll try to get back to you!

The list of characters you can request are:
Fire Agate
Blue Lace Agate*
Auqua Blue Chalcedony
Jaspearl Jr.(Jaz)
Lapidot Jr.(Dot)
Red Beryl

*=Characters may or may not have previously appeared in stories

^=Name is most likely spelled horribly incorrect

Also, book covers! If you'd like to draw those, I'll take multiple drawings! Just add the title and something related to the story/fandom on the cover! If I like it, I'll change my cover!

You can send me all pictures by linking them in the comments, or sending them via Kik.


All entries will be featured in a chapter, abd the contest will not end u.til everyone has either turned in their pictures or dropped out!

Peace love and riceballs!

The Side effects of FangirlingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora