Help choose my New book!

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So, I've been working on some drafts, and I'm going to use one quote from the main character of each. Comment on the one you like best(specify if on the computer). I'll reveal the winner and runner ups soon!

Hint:Quotations marks mean it was spoken, otherwise it was thought

1."It's just nice to know, that there's this whole other world where I was meant to be."

2.Looking back on it now, she was always treated more as a dream than a memory, much less an actual sister I'd never known.

3."I'm sick and tired of rolling these stupid dice! I want to be able to make my own decisions freely!"

4.I guess it's not every day your father treats you like trash, whereas your best friend is treated like a princess.

5.I don't know how it happened. No one does. I mean, I guess somebody did know before they started eating flesh.(Note:This one would be the first book in a series of at least five books)

So, I could tell you what genera you're looking at, but I won't.

Okay, two are fantasy, one's supernatural, one's comedy, and I haven't figured one out. TRY TO FIGURE DEM OUT!

The Side effects of FangirlingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora