Dinner With Dad

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"Hi Daddy!" He stood at the entrance. "Follow me." He laughed and I walked in. A huge line was formed. The waiter immediately saw me. He throws all my special dinners here. Like the one for tomorrow night.
"Emily! Mrs. Rockwood! How are you?" Everyone in line looked at me.
"Fine thank you Timmothy. This is my father." I put a hand on my dads shoulder.
"Mr. Rockwood, a pleasure to meet you." He smiled and nodded. "Do you want your usual table?" I smiled and shrugged.
"Anywhere is fine. I prefer a corner today though. Mike always has me sit in the middle for attention. I hate it." Timmothy laughed and led me and my father to a corner of the room. People constantly glanced at me. I was used to it. "Can I have my usual?" Tim nodded and turned to my father who ordered the steak and a water. He then scampered off and yelled my order.
"I see you come here a lot." My dad chuckled.
"Mike throws all my special dinners here. Making it my favorite restaurant." He rolled his eyes.
"Excuse me? Can I get your autograph?" It was a thirteen year old I suppose. I smiled at her.
"Sure, whats your name sweety?" I grabbed the sharpie and notebook from her.
"Miracle." The girl smiled. She had fire engine red hair with blue streaks everywhere. She had a black and white slouch beanie, one white finger cut glove on her left hand, a white tight shirt, black skinny jeans and one black converse on her left foot, a white converse on her right. And to top it off, she had those fake nerd glasses on. I grinned and started to write.
Always believe in yourself, Miracle! Love your style! Emily Rockwood
"So I see you came a long way." My dad said with a smile as Miracle walked off.
"Yep, but I was thinking about going in as a volunteer nurse in Iraq." My dad stared at me.
"What for?"
"My volunteer service for my classes." He sighed and shook his head.
"You know what I think about that."
"It would only be for two months."
"Do you know how many hospitals get bombed."
"Yes dad. I;m doing it though. I already have everything planned." For the rest of the night, we both avoided the subject, but oh well. I think it will be fun.

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