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Emily became a famous soccer player for the Women's Soccer Team USA and was on of the top scorers and assists along with many members of her team. Her team is seen in the hall of the fame with the Championship and Emily's picture sits in the player hall of fame. To this day she learns new things about sports and her life daily.
James opened up a small business that helped military soldiers visit their loved ones. He also created a veterans home and rehabilitation center. He also created a mobile business, so he could be with Emily wherever she went. It became a hit and often gave away prizes to military families.
Bradly grew up to be an actor. It was always a dream of his. He stared in over ten major motion pictures, six of which were military related. Bradly makes frequent trips to see his parents. He has mentioned them in many interviews, comes to many of his mothers games and helps his father with the business. He also makes many guest appearances at Army Bases around the world.

There will always be players that have to learn to fall, and there will always be coaches that must learn to encourage them no matter their choices. The coach must be prepared to trip, but at some point he/she must realize that they will always be a player themselves.
Always remember, that in life you may fall, be broken and bruise, but there is always good in what comes with a better tomorrow. There is a reason we have the ability to heal. No matter how life plays out once the buzzer rings or the whistle blows, it was a game well played.
-Believe In Me
​​​​​​​ -Stargazer7777

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